MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: RICHARD REYNA INTERVIEW WITH BOBBY JOE FARRINGTON DATE: MAY 9, 1996 On Thursday, May 9, 1996, at 8:45 a.m., Richard Reyna met with Bobby Joe Farrington at the Eastham Unit in Lovelady, Texas. Mr. Farrington was asked about the interview that the FBI had with Capt. Wes Adams. Mr. Farrington stated that he was a captain the Aryan Brotherhood and that shortly after the bombing, he had a discussion with another Aryan Brotherhood member (inmate) by the name of Charles Tolfort. Mr. Farrington stated that he told Tolfort that he had met Timothy McVeigh but that Mr. McVeigh had been introduced to him as "Sgt. Mac" by Pastor Richard Butler, head of the Aryan Nations in Hayden Lake, Idaho. Mr. Farrington stated that he also met a person with "Sgt. Mac" by the name of Bonard Sevenackar who spoke with a heavy German accent. Mr. Farrington recalls that the meeting occurred at the 1992 Aryan Nation Congress held at Hayden Lake, Idaho. Mr. Farrington stated that he again met "Sgt. Mac" and Bonard Sevenackar at a gun show in St. Maries, Idaho, a town located not far from Hayden Lake. Richard Reyna asked Mr. Farrington about the letter that he reportedly received from an Aryan Nation colleague during the early month of April, 1995, which stated that there were four federal judges targeted for explosions. Reyna mentioned the names of Doughtery of Oklahoma City, Lodge of Idaho, Smith of Waco, Texas and Rodogherio of Roundup, Montana. Mr. Farrington stated that the names were correct. Mr. Farrington was asked Richard Reyna what his colleague meant when he mentioned that the wrong building in Oklahoma City had been blown up by the idiot "Sgt. Mac". Mr. Farrington stated that the Murrah Building was not supposedly to have been blown up, that the building on Fourth Street was the intended target and that "Sgt. Mack" f-cked up. Mr. Farrington stated that J.J. Dan told him that he (Dan) believes that "Sgt. Mac" may have decided to take the truck to the Murrah Building just to make a name for himself. Mr. Farrington commented that in his opinion, "Sgt. Mac" was a real idiot who was just looking for attention. Mr. Farrington stated that he knew as far back as February, 1995, that the building was going to be blown up. Mr. Farrington was asked if he knew Johnny Bangerter, Richard Kaufman, and the Isaacson's brothers. Mr. Farrington stated that he was sure that Johnny Bangerter had nothing to do with the planning of the bombing, but that he felt certain that Dick Kaufman and the Isaacson's brothers had knowledge and limited participation in the planning of the bombing of the Murrah Building. Mr. Farrington was shown a photograph of Andreas Straussmeier and identified the individual depicted in the photographs as someone who had been introduced to him as Bonard Sevenackkar and that this was the same person he saw in the company of "Sgt. Mac." Mr. Farrington was shown a photograph of Timothy McVeigh and identified the person depicted in the photograph as the person introduced to him as "Sgt. Mac." Mr. Farrington was asked to tell Richard Reyna the name of the person who had written in February of 1995 and informed him of the pending bombing in Oklahoma City. Mr. Farrington stated that he was already in danger because of having talked to the FBI on several occasions and that he knew that members of the Aryan Brotherhood wanted to kill him. After further discussion, Mr. Farrington stated that the individual in question was a member of the Aryan Brotherhood by the name of J. J. Dan and that Dan is currently living in a cabin in Montana and in all probabilities, hiding from the FBI. Mr. Farrington stated that he knows for a fact that Timothy McVeigh, Andreas Strassmeier, also known as Bonard Sevenackkar and J.J. Dan were together in Oklahoma City on the morning of April 19, 1995, and that Mr. McVeigh and J.J. Dan were the two people seen inside the Ryder truck. Mr. Farrington stated that Andreas Strassmeier waited near a car. Mr. Farrington stated that J.J. Dan told him that a brown pickup truck followed them and then disappeared. Mr. Farrington described J.J. Dan as approximately 5'8" in height, 150-160 lbs., approximately 45 years of age, brown hair and grayish color eyes with a dark complexion. Mr. Farrington stated that J.J. Dan was born in Czechslovakia. Mr. Farrington repeated that there is no doubt in his mind that J.J. Dan, Andreas Strassmeier and Timothy McVeigh were together in Oklahoma City on the morning of April 19, 1995. Mr. Farrington further stated that J.J. Dan also introduced him to Timothy McVeigh and Andreas Strassmeier. Mr. Farrington was asked about the interviews that he had with FBI agents. Mr. Farrington stated that he was interviewed on May 5, 6 and 7, 1995, and recalls that the days of the week were Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Farrington stated that following the polygraph exams, the agents told him that he was either a raving maniac or crazy, but that the polygraph indicated that he was telling the truth. Mr. Farrington stated that prior to each polygraph exam, the FBI agents asked him to sign a questionnaire or form which indicated that he did not want to have an attorney present during the interview. Mr. Farrington was asked about the truck that he stole which was to be taken to Idaho where it was to be loaded with explosives and then used against a federal judge. Mr. Farrington stated that the stolen truck was to be loaded with explosives that were going to be stolen at a construction company in Omaha, Nebraska but that the mission was never completed. Mr. Farrington stated that he recently received a letter from J.J. Dan and that he also has a couple of photographs of Dan that he is willing to loan Richard Reyna for copying purposes and said that he would have them available during the next visit. Mr. Farrington stated that all he wants in return is to be transferred to a safer place and for all that participated in the bombing to be caught. Mr. Farrington stated that he has not told the FBI about J.J. Dan, Timothy McVeigh and Andreas Strassmeier being together in Oklahoma City on the morning of April 19, 1995. Mr. Farrington was asked if he had knowledge on who provided the financing for the explosives used in the bombing of the Murrah Building. Mr. Farrington stated that the finances came from John Truckman of Noxon, Montana. Mr. Farrington stated that John and David Trochman are the founders of the Militia of Montana and are regarded as the primary financiers of most explosives operations of the Aryan Nations. Mr. Farrington stated that FBI agents confiscated a small amount of correspondence from J.J. Dan that he had received. RW:sh 3\wp51\mcveigh\memos\farrington.604