MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: RICHARD REYNA INTERVIEW WITH BOBBY JOE FARRINGTON DATE: MAY 10, 1996 On Friday, May 10, 1996, Richard Reyna met with Bobby Joe Farrington and asked him about the inconsistencies between the story that he told the FBI and the story that he had told Richard Reyna on May 9, 1996. The first issue to be addressed was the question was who exactly had introduced him to "Sgt. Mac" and Bonard Sebonackker. Mr. Farrington stated that he lied to the FBI because he was trying to keep J.J. Dan out of the picture. Mr. Farrington further stated that Jerry Simmons is the real person that he was supposed to get the explosives from once he reached Omaha, Nebraska. The explosives were to be stolen from a construction company in Omaha. When questioned about inconsistencies regarding the location of his first meeting with "Sgt. Mac", Mr. Farrington stated that he lied to the FBI agents in an effort to protect John Trochman. Mr. Farrington stated that he did meet Mr. McVeigh at a cafe in Noxon, Montana and that the cafe belonged to Mr. Trochman. When questioned about the name of the cafe, Farrington replied that he thought that it was called the City Cafe, but was not completely sure. When Mr. Farrington was questioned about his telling FBI agents that Bonard Sebonackker was an "hammerskin" who looked like John Doe 2, Mr. Farrington stated that at the time he did think that John Doe 2 did look like Sebonackker. Mr. Farrington stated that the real truth is that J.J. Dan looked more like John Doe 2. Mr. Farrington stated that even if the sketch did not match J.J. Dan, he was positive that Dan was with Timothy McVeigh inside the Ryder truck on the morning of April 19, 1995. Mr. Farrington was asked how he came up with the name Bonard Sebonackker and he replied that he never came up with that particular name, that the FBI agents mentioned the name to him. Mr. Farrington was reminded that an FBI interview dated April 28, 1995, between FBI Agent Dennis Murphy and Capt. Wes Adams of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Colfield Unit, indicated that he (Farrington) mentioned the name Bonard Sebonackker prior to being interviewed by FBI agents. Mr. Farrington stated that he did know a person by the name of Bonard Sebonackker who lives in Pueblo, Colorado. Mr. Farrington describes Sebonackker as a fanatic, approximately 6'3 to 6'4" in height and approximately 260 to 270 lbs. Mr. Farrington stated that Sebonackkar owns a lumber yard in Pueblo, Colorado. Mr. Farrington was asked if he was really introduced to "Sgt. Mac" and Bonard Sebonackkar in 1988 by Pastor Butler at the Aryan Nation Congress and Mr. Farrington replied that he did meet Timothy McVeigh and a person with him that was introduced to him as Andre or Andy Strassmeier, not Bonard Sebonackkar. Mr. Farrington stated that he would not forget the unusual last name and the heavy German accent. Mr. Farrington was next asked about the conflicting story that he gave the FBI and Richard Reyna regarding the country of origin for J.J. Dan. Mr. Farrington stated that he lied to the FBI to throw them off track in an effort to protect J.J. Dan. Mr. Farrington stated that Mr. J.J. Dan was really born in Czechoslovakia. Mr. Farrington was asked if he knew the type of explosives used for blowing up the Murrah Building and he replied that the explosives contained acetylene. Mr. Farrington was asked if he had knowledge of who provided the explosives for the Ryder truck, and he replied that Dick Coffman, Cajun Jack (gun shop owner out of Eureka) and John Trochman provided the explosives. Mr. Farrington stated that there is no doubt that Pastor Richard Butler sanctioned the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building. Mr. Farrington stated that Dick Kaufman and John Trochman always used skinheads, Aryan Nations members or militia members to actually perform deeds such as committing burglaries, attacks on people and destruction of property. Mr. Farrington stated that he knew when the Murrah building was blown up, that additional explosives had been placed at random places in the basement of the building. Mr. Farrington stated that he knew that Dick Coffman either placed the explosives or had the Isaacson's brothers do it. Mr. Farrington stated that he knows for a fact that Kaufman and the Isaacson's brothers were part of the conspiracy. Mr. Farrington was asked if he had any suggestions as to who to make contact with J.J. Dan. Mr. Farrington stated that J.J. Dan was probably hiding out and that it would be almost impossible to make contact with Dan. Mr. Farrington was asked if he brought the latest correspondence from J.J. Dan and he immediately produced a sealed envelope. Mr. Farrington said that the envelope contained J.J. Dan's mailing address, a copy of a letter supposedly written to J.J. Dan by Andreas Strassmeier, a copy of a black and white photograph depicting a male wearing a military camouflage and holding a weapon in his hands. The face was colored with blue ink to protect the identity of the person and there are writings on the paper in English and in German. The envelope also contained a black and white photograph taken of J.J Dan in a German uniform at Aryan Nations Congress in 1995 and another black and white photograph taken during the same Congress of J.J. Dan and another unidentified older man. Both were wearing German type uniforms. Mr. Farrington stated that J.J. Dan wrote and told him that Andreas Strassmeier wrote him the letter either in June or July of 1995. Mr. Farrington stated that J.J. Dan definitely used the name Strassmeier. When asked why Mr. Farrington did not forward this information to the FBI, he replied that he always thought that Strassmeier was a solid person. Mr. Farrington was asked if he had any information about the robbery of a gun dealer in Hot Springs, Arkansas, and he stated that he knew for a fact that some of the stolen weapons made it all the way to Falls Valley, Montana. Mr. Farrington provided the address for J.J. Dan as J. Dan, General Delivery, Hot Springs, Montana 59845-000. Mr. Farrington stated that the only way that one would be able to make contact with J.J. Dan was either to wait for him at the post office when he picked up his mail, or to attend the Aryan Nations Congress slated for June, 1996. Mr. Farrington was told that there had been a number of inconsistencies in his answers. Mr. Farrington stated that he would take whatever test (polygraph) that we wanted him to take, but that it be on the condition that the exams be conducted at a location outside the prison unit. 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