Results for "Yemen"

As Biden Eyes More War, South Yemen Intensifies Push for Secession

As Biden Eyes More War, South Yemen Intensifies Push for Secession

The UAE-backed National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) called on its forces to secure a military takeover and annexation of the entirety of Yemen’s southern territory during a meeting on Monday, the Arab Weekly reported. The STC is intensifying its push for secession, seeking a partition corresponding with the borders of the former states of North Yemen and South Yemen, which existed prior to the country’s 1990 unification.

How the Media Ignores Yemen

How the Media Ignores Yemen

Since 2014, the tiny country of Yemen has been devastated by the ongoing civil war following the Houthi takeover of the government. It only got worse in March 2015; President Barack Obama began to aid the Saudi Arabian military intervention in the war. As of February...



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