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The Christmas Truce of World War I

For a tragically short time, the Spirit of the Prince of Peace drowned out the murderous demands of the State. In August 1914, Europe's major powers threw themselves into war with gleeful abandon. Germany, a rising power with vast aspirations, plowed across Belgium,...

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Have We Reached “Peak Jackboot”?

Originally published December 5, 2014 In 1768, amid escalating tensions between the British government and independence-minded "radicals" in New England, two full regiments were deployed in Boston as peacekeepers. Their presence was, in historian David...

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The Madness That Is “War Patriotism”

Republished from Will Grigg's Pro Libertate. Originally published August 23, 2006. John Witmer's lifeless body was returned to the tiny town of Colombiana, Pennsylvania on October 10, 1918. Those gathered to receive the 21-year-old's mortal remains included his father...

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From a Fissure to a Chasm

This article, written by our colleague, Will Grigg, is republished from December 20, 2006. “Turn with me to the third chapter of Ecclesiastes,” instructed our pastor.“Let's leave,” I whispered tightly to my wife Korrin. She quietly but firmly shushed me, and she had a...

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The Rise of the Wannabe Political Street Warrior

"I can’t wait for the liberal genocide to begin,” exclaimed a demonstrator at a March 4 rally in Phoenix on behalf of President Trump, as an expression half-way between a sneer and a smirk creased his corpulent face. Asked by left-leaning independent journalist Dan...

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Teaching Kids to Trust the Police is Child Abuse

Integral to the American concept of liberty is the right to hold the state at bay, which is why children are never too young to be taught to regard government employees with suspicion and defensive hostility. Some conscientious parents in Northampton, Massachusetts...

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The “Blind Sheik” and the Deep State

Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman died at age 78 in a federal prison cell in North Carolina from complications of diabetes, a peaceful end to a long life largely devoted to terrorist violence. He had lived at taxpayer expense for roughly one-third of that life. For the better...

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Sanctuary! Sanctuary!

During Barack Obama's first term, invocations of the Tenth Amendment and the reserved powers of the states by Tea Party activists provoked some left-leaning commentators to accuse them of “sedition.” With Donald Trump now occupying the Oval Office, those roles have...

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Strangle the Bastard Child of Prohibition: Abolish the ATF!

Saturday, February 4, 2017 Strangle the Bastard Child of Prohibition: Abolish the ATF! Whatever would we do without helpful people like this goon? Acting on its unerring instinct for expanding its own power while exacerbating the suffering of its subjects, the federal government, at the request of Mayor Rahm Emanuel and with the approval of […]

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Meet the New “Specially Protected Class”

Monday, February 13, 2017 Meet the New “Specially Protected Class” Adams Lin literally fainted as he read a court order authorizing federal marshals to confiscate his property. The officers seized his car, his designer clothes, a flat-screen television, golf clubs, computer, and even his treasured Samurai sword. Unlike countless other Americans who have been pillaged […]

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Sheik Omar: The Death of a Deep State Asset

Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Sheik Omar: The Death of a Deep State Asset It is one of nature’s ironic mercies that the same disease responsible for disfiguring Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman’s face left him blind, thereby sparing him the sight of his Gorgon-like features. The sheik died from complications of that disease – diabetes – at […]

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The Perverse Ingenuity, and Routine Lawlessness, of Law Enforcers

Wednesday, January 11, 2017 The Perverse Ingenuity, and Routine Lawlessness, of Law Enforcers Enforcers of drug prohibition can be perversely ingenious in devising methods to subvert due process guarantees. One tactic widely employed by police officers looking for a way to circumvent the Fourth Amendment is to intimidate a subject into giving the officers permission […]

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Will Grigg

Will Grigg (1963–2017), the former Managing Editor of The Libertarian Institute, was an independent, award-winning investigative journalist and author. He authored six books, most recently his posthumous work, No Quarter: The Ravings of William Norman Grigg.

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