Donor Matching Funds Announced!

A generous donor has offered to match all contributions dollar-for-dollar for the next $10,000 raised, doubling the impact of your donation and helping us reach our fundraising goal faster.

$17,360 of $60,000 raised


The Slow-Motion State Murder of Michael Whiteley

Facing the prospect of life in prison – and the plausible threat of execution – Idaho Falls resident Michael Whiteley had every conceivable reason to plead guilty to a charge of second-degree kidnapping, save one: He didn’t commit the crime. “I have to plead not...

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You Can’t “Cheat” a Gang of Thieves

Shortly after announcing the commutation of former Army Private Manning’s 35-year prison term, Barack Obama quietly issued a pardon for 64 others – including Major League Baseball Hall of Famer Willie McCovey. Following a career in which he hit 521 home runs – tying...

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The Routine Lawlessness of America’s Law Enforcers

Enforcers of drug prohibition can be perversely ingenious in devising methods to subvert due process guarantees. One tactic widely employed by police officers looking for a way to circumvent the Fourth Amendment is to intimidate a subject into giving the officers...

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Inside the Tiny, Uncluttered Mind of a Cop

A retired member of the exalted Brotherhood of State-Sanctified Coercion recently rebuked a heretic: I take umbrage with your article for Lew Rockwell. While certainly I agree with your premise that one should not give to police charities and thereby expect special...

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Want Crime to Go Down? Abolish the Local Police

Bunker Hill, Indiana, is a village of 900 people. It has not been consumed by the maelstrom of criminal violence that – we are told – would descend on any community even briefly deprived of the divine protection offered by a police department. The village obviously...

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“Not My President” — No Matter Who He Is

“How small, of all that human hearts endure, that part which laws or kings can cause or cure.” When Samuel Johnson wrote those measured words of welcome consolation, kings generally behaved with more restraint than presidents do now. The essential wisdom of his...

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The Regime’s Failed Show Trial in Portland

Cardassia is a fictional planet in the Star Trek universe ruled by a totalitarian state with a court system quite similar to our own. Trials on Cardassia do not to examine the charges against the accused, since a guilty verdict is foreordained. The defendant is...

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John Bennett’s Jihad

In seeking a suitable description of Oklahoma State Representative -- and compulsive mosque-baiter -- John Bennett, one must resist the temptation to use the familiar epithet "horse's ass," even though the effluent that emerges from Bennett's tax-devouring skull cave...

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Sheriff David Clarke: The Warlord of Milwaukee County

Now that Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona’s Maricopa County faces a possible federal felony conviction that would dislodge him from office, the floor is open for nominations to replace him as the preening figurehead for the Punitive Populist constituency. Milwaukee...

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Don’t Trigger Sheriff Snowflake — Or He May Have You Killed

Saturday, January 28, 2017 Don’t Trigger Sheriff Snowflake — Or He May Have You Killed Sheriff David Clarke of Wisconsin’s Milwaukee County is the most fragile of precious snowflakes, and one of the most self-enraptured petty tyrants in recent American history.  While settling in for a January 15 flight from Dallas to Milwaukee, Clarke – […]

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Teaching Kids to Trust the Police is Child Abuse

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 Teaching Kids to Trust the Police is Child Abuse Somebody who would do this to a child should be horsewhipped, at the very least. Integral to the American concept of liberty is the right to hold the state at bay, which is why children are never too young to be taught […]

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The Slow-Motion State Murder of Michael Whiteley

Friday, January 20, 2017 The Slow-Motion State Murder of Michael Whiteley   The “Black Widow of Bonneville County”: Silvia Canido, seen here in Bolivia. Facing the prospect of life in prison – and the plausible threat of execution – Idaho Falls resident Michael Whiteley had every conceivable reason to plead guilty to a charge of […]

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They’re All “Heroes” — No Matter What Laws they Enforce

Tuesday, March 7, 2017 They’re All “Heroes” — No Matter What Laws they Enforce Actually, it was a righteous rebellion, not a mere “riot.” Given the rarity of the surname, it is likely that Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch is related to deputy federal marshal Edward Gorsuch, who was killed an in violent episode that […]

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Inside the Tiny, Uncluttered Mind of a Cop

Friday, December 30, 2016 Inside the Tiny, Uncluttered Mind of a Cop A retired member of the exalted Brotherhood of State-Sanctified Coercion recently rebuked a heretic:I take umbrage with your article for Lew Rockwell. While certainly I agree with your premise that one should not give to police charities and thereby expect special privileges, you […]

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The Regime’s Relentless Persecution of Phil Hart

Thursday, February 25, 2016 The Regime’s Relentless Persecution of Phil Hart “Mr. Hart, do you contest the legitimacy of the federal government of the United States of America?” That question was posed to former Idaho State Representative Phil Hart a few minutes into his February 3 federal bankruptcy hearing. By asking that question, Assistant U.S. […]

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We Don’t Need Costumed Overlords and Tax Farmers

Wednesday, December 28, 2016 We Don’t Need Costumed Overlords and Tax Farmers Gone, but not missed: The former Bunker Hill, Indiana Police Department. Bunker Hill, Indiana, is a village of 900 people. It has not been consumed by the maelstrom of criminal violence that – we are told – would descend on any community even […]

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Sheriff Glenn Palmer and the “Scouring of the Shire”

Wednesday, March 30, 2016 Sheriff Glenn Palmer and the “Scouring of the Shire” The “little folk” rise up against Saruman’s Ruffians. The Shire had changed dramatically for the worse when Frodo, Sam, and their companions returned from Mordor.  The hobbit-folk had previously enjoyed a society largely free of the affliction called “government.” Frodo and his […]

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Get Your Kids Out of the “School-to-Prison Pipeline”

Tuesday, December 27, 2016 Get Your Kids Out of the “School-to-Prison Pipeline” Ever and always alert to new and inventive ways to turn innocent people into fodder for the State’s carceral apparatus, the Missouri state legislature enacted a measure that will treat teenage altercations as felonies if they occur either on school grounds or between […]

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“Qualified Immunity”: What Cops and Slave Overseers Have in Common

Sunday, December 4, 2016 “Qualified Immunity”: What Cops and Slave Overseers Have in Common The late Kelly Thomas, following his fatal encounter with the slave overseers of the Fullerton PD. Michael Slager, the former North Charleston, South Carolina police officer killed an unarmed man and then attempted to frame the victim, will not be convicted […]

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Can You Spare Some Tears for a Killer Cop?

Thursday, March 3, 2016 Can You Spare Some Tears for a Killer Cop? Does this guy (center) look like a peace officer? If he approached you holding a gun, wouldn’t you flee? “If I go down, I’m taking you with me.” That familiar action movie cliché isn’t found within the lawsuit filed by former West […]

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Take Pity on Officer “Safe Space”

Thursday, February 18, 2016 Take Pity on Officer “Safe Space” Blue Privilege isn’t enough: Now cops want to be a “specially protected class.” Makaela Zabael-Gravatt was shot and nearly killed in her own backyard in Meridian, Idaho last September. The man arrested in that attack, Christopher Wirfs, had a violent criminal history. Prior to the […]

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The Draft-Nappers Are Back — And This Time They Want Your Daughter

Thursday, February 11, 2016 The Draft-Nappers Are Back — And This Time They Want Your Daughter   Death lottery: Military slaves are selected in the 1969 draft. Roughly a year ago, Nampa, Idaho resident Kenndrick Rose was appointed as a member of the local military enslavement soviet. That is an accurate, rather than official, description […]

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Finicum’s Wake

Wednesday, March 9, 2016 Finicum’s Wake He tended herds, rather than serving the state: LaVoy Finicum, a man in full. Somewhere there are still peoples and herds, but not with us, my brethren; here there are states…. A state is called the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly it lies also; and this lie creepeth […]

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The Last Full Measure of Misery: When Will Prohibition Finally End?

Wednesday, April 13, 2016 The Last Full Measure of Misery: When Will Prohibition Finally End? “Our safety and happiness lie in obedience to law by every man, woman and child,” pontificated Attorney General Harry Micajah Daugherty in his keynote address to the 1921 annual conference of the American Bar Association in Cincinnati. His homily on […]

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Merrick Garland, Richard W. Roberts, and the Kenneth Trentadue Murder: The Deep State Takes Care of Its Own

Tuesday, March 22, 2016 Merrick Garland, Richard W. Roberts, and the Kenneth Trentadue Murder: The Deep State Takes Care of Its Own Not a suicide victim: Kenneth Trentadue’s brutalized body in his open-casket funeral. “You have to trust the government,” Justice Department attorney Richard Roberts unctuously told Jesse Trentadue. Seeking to understand why his younger […]

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From Showdown to Show Trial: The Bunkerville Crackdown is Just Beginning

Monday, March 7, 2016 From Showdown to Show Trial: The Bunkerville Crackdown is Just Beginning (Apologies to Emerson) Beneath the rude bridge that arched the wash, their flag to April’s breeze unfurled: Victory at Bunkerville, 2014. What happened at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts on April 19, 1775 was an eruption of terrorist violence against the […]

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Will Grigg

Will Grigg (1963–2017), the former Managing Editor of The Libertarian Institute, was an independent, award-winning investigative journalist and author. He authored six books, most recently his posthumous work, No Quarter: The Ravings of William Norman Grigg.

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