US News
- Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas says the federal ban on cannabis is contradictory and maybe unconstitutional. [Link]
- The city of San Francisco spent over $18 million to put 260 homeless people in tents during the pandemic. [Link]
- Biden told the Israeli president he would not allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. [Link]
- Iran has several months of data from its nuclear program that the IAEA has not had access to. Iran made a deal with the IAEA to keep the data for three months and it would be turned over if the US returned to the Iran Nuclear Deal. Iran extended the agreement for a fourth month. However, the US has not returned to the agreement and some in Iran are calling for the data to be deleted. [Link]
- Biden’s airstrikes in Syria killed a child. [Link]
- The Iraqi Shia militias are calling for revenge after Biden targeted the groups in Syria and Iraq with airstrikes. Hours after the US bombing, US forces in Syria came under attack from rocket fire. [Link]
- Iraq is seeking legal options to prevent the US from carrying out another airstrike in Iraq. [Link]
- Biden said the attack on Shia militias was a message to Iran. [Link]
- Tigrayian rebels seized the capital of the Ethiopian province. The government-appointed interim government fled. [Link]
- The Ethiopian government declared a unilateral ceasefire in its Tigray region. The Ethiopian government has been allied with Eritrea in a fight against an Ethiopian ethnic group for the past eight months. [Link]