News Roundup 10/11/17

by | Oct 11, 2017

  • Trevor Aaronson explains how the FBI attempted to bully a man into becoming an informant. [Link]
  • Trump said he would change US healthcare with the power of the pen. Rand Paul said he has been working with Trump on healthcare policy. [Link]
  • Trump will reveal his Iran police later this week. [Link]
  • Jason Ditz explains how America should attempt to prevent manmade disasters. [Link]
  • The UN has blacklisted four ships for carrying cargo for North Korea. [Link]
  • The US flew B1-B bombers over South Korea in a show of force. [Link]
  • The President of Catalonia has signed a declaration of independence from Spain but suspended the independence process to allow talks with the Spanish government. [Link]
  • The Spanish government has elite officers in Catalonia prepared to arrest the Catalan President. [Link]
  • Pakistan has announced plans to build a wall on their border with Afghanistan. [Link]
  • Hundreds of Islamic State fighters are surrendering to the Iraqi Kurds. [Link]

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

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