US News
- Biden says nursing homes that have Medicare and Medicaid residents have to mandate their staff are vaccinated. [Link]
- The FDA approved a third booster shot of the 2-shot covid vaccinations for most adults. [Link]
- The federal government will reimburse states 100% for “emergency measures” and will work against states blocking mask mandates. [Link]’
- The USS Arlington with 600 troops was deployed to Haiti. [Link]
- China limited four United Airlines flights to 40% capacity after a traveler tested positive for covid. In response, the Transportation Department limited four Chinese flights to 40% capacity. [Link]
- Biden says US troops will remain in Afghanistan until all Americans are out, even if that is after August 31st. [Link]
- Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin says the Pentagon has lines of communication open with the Taliban and there have been no confrontations between the US military and Taliban so far.
- The Taliban held talks with former Afghan leaders Karzi and Abdullah in Kabul. [Link]
- Biden froze Afghan government bank accounts in the US on Sunday. [Link]
- The IMF suspends Afghanistan’s access to its assets. [Link]
- Ahmad Massoud pens a Washington Post op-ed saying he is forming the Afghan resistance from the Panjshir valley. He appealed for more weapons and supplies. [Link]
- Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman says the Taliban’s commitment to allow Americans safe passage to the airport has been solid. [Link]