Country Time Offers "Legal-Ade" to Pay Fine, Permit Fees For Kid Lemonade Stands

by | Jun 8, 2018

Country Time Offers "Legal-Ade" to Pay Fine, Permit Fees For Kid Lemonade Stands

by | Jun 8, 2018

Country Time Lemonade is now offering “Legal-Ade” to help kid entrepreneurs who are being harassed by killjoy bureaucrats. Whenever a city demands a permit or slaps a fine against a kid’s lemonade stand, parents can upload an image of the fine or permit to send to Country Time, along with the kid’s description of what the lemonade stand means to them. If Country Time approves it, they will cover the full cost, up to $300. In a press release, Country Time said it will reimburse up to $60,000 in fines and fees this summer. That could help hundreds of kid entrepreneurs.
Police in California, Georgia, Iowa, and Texas have all ordered kids to stop running their businesses because they lack the proper permits. In East Hampton, New York, the government even shut down a lemonade stand manned by Jerry Seinfeld’s son, after a neighbor complained to the police.
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Nick Sibilla

Nick Sibilla

As a Communications Associate for the Institute for Justice, Nick Sibilla regularly writes opeds and blog posts and enhances IJ’s presence on social media. He is also a contributor to, where he covers civil forfeiture, occupational licensing, food freedom and the First Amendment.

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