I recently joined Bretigne Shaffer again on her show, this time to discuss not who Americans should vote for but whether they should vote. We made the case that the most socially responsible course of action is to not vote.
It was a great discussion, and whatever your thoughts on voting, I am certain that you will find it intellectually stimulating; and even if Bretigne and I don’t manage to persuade you to our view, you will at least have some serious food for thought. If you aim to vote, I challenge you to consider this other point of view that you will never be exposed to by the mainstream media!
Listen below, or watch the full video version of the interview on Bretigne’s Substack.
How we don’t have a legitimate government but a criminal organization in Washington, DC:
Why the strategy of voting for the lesser of two evils makes no sense:
The imperative of Americans ceasing their consent for criminal government policies:
How the institution of statehood is holding humankind back from becoming civilized:
How Americans are indoctrinated since early childhood into what I call the “state religion”:
Why there ought to be certain positions that automatically disqualify any US presidential candidate from our consideration, no matter how great they may be on other issues:
How Ron Paul was a rare US presidential candidate actually worth voting for:
I address the fallacy of the argument that non-voters are to blame if the perceived greater evil is elected president:
Why it makes sense to vote in US presidential elections only in the rare event that there is an extraordinary candidate who is sufficiently anti-establishment:
How the government school system deceives and indoctrinates children into believing ahistorical myths to manufacture their consent for effective servitude:
How Frederic Bastiat in his book “The Law” identified the fallacy inherent to the belief that we need government bureaucrats interfering in every aspect of our lives:
How government attracts sociopaths and psychopaths and discuss the conundrum of how the only candidate who would make a good president is the type of person who would never run for president:
Why participating in US presidential elections can’t effect the type of real change we so desperately need:
Why people who think we need to vote someone into office to eliminate corporate influence in government are looking at the problem backwards:
Why, even if we assume no corruption and only benevolent intent, government bureaucrats do not know better than the free market with its pricing system how to allocate scarce resources toward productive ends:
How the Federal Reserve system effects an upward transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the politically connected financial elite:
The mistake of Americans believing they are free while suffering from mental slavery:
Why it is a mistake for Americans to believe they live in a free country with a free press when people are censored for telling the truth:
How the government school system teaches children not to think for themselves:
My final thought for people who feel that they need to participate in US presidential elections:
Prior Interviews
Here are previous discussions I’ve had with Bretigne. If you enjoy our discussion about voting, be sure to check out our discussion about why medical licensing should be abolished!
Draconian COVID-19 Responses Are an Opportunity for Health Freedom Advocates
COVID-19 and the Great Mask Debate
The Failure of Central Planning in COVID-19 Responses
Counterproductive Claims from the Health Freedom Movement
Public Vaccine Policy vs. Public Health
Is Peace Possible Between Israel and Palestine?
Should Medical Licensing Be Abolished?
Cross-posted from JeremyRHammond.com.