Libertarian political philosophy, as a practical matter, does not offer a prefabricated set of solutions to collective problems. Rather, it’s a liberty-based approach to ameliorating collective problems that begins by acknowledging (among other things) the dispersion, incompleteness, and tacit dimension of relevant knowledge. Thus, the approach favors decentralization, competition (in ideas and services), and choice about what trade-offs to make and with whom to cooperate. Perhaps ironically, to succeed, individualism requires and produces the collective intelligence that only markets embody.
Pentagon Pork Parade: Fat Amy Continues to Prove Pigs Can Fly
Pig can fly on occasion as the F35 Porkulus Project continues to bleed oceans of money. Welcome to Clown World: the F-35 requires nearly 9 million lines of computer code. Meanwhile, Apollo 11's Lunar Lander needed only 145,000 lines of code. There are three variants...