Every criticism of free markets, applies ten-fold to the state. The most obvious example- “we need a central government to keep order”. Five questions/points to keep in mind-
- Government is the number one cause of war and jailing for victimless crimes which is the epitome of chaos
- Why do those who believe monopolies are bad, advocate the state monopolizing law and order?
- If we don’t have one religion we all belong to, won’t we all just kill each other fighting over which one others should follow?
- Who watches the watchers? What if Brazil and South Africa have a disagreement? Should a world government be imposed to solve issues? Don’t countries today exist in a state of anarchy?
- What bad thing exists in the free market that does not exist in government?
“Once admit any right of secession whatever, and there is no logical stopping-point short of the right of individual secession, which logically entails anarchism, since then individuals may secede and patronize their own defense agencies, and the State has crumbled.”
Murray N. Rothbard
Ethics of Liberty, p. 182
Secession is a crucial part of the libertarian philosophy: that every state be allowed to secede from the nation, every sub-state from the state, every neighborhood from the city, and, logically, every individual or group from the neighborhood.
Murray N. Rothbard
Libertarian Forum v. 1, p. 17
BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/qw2YCWBOz7L8/
LBRY: https://lbry.tv/@KeithKnightDontTreadOnAnyone:b/Do-We-Ever-Really-Get-Out-of-Anarchy—Essay-Summary:c
Archive: https://archive.org/details/doweeverreallygetoutofanarchyessaysummary