So the GOP-dominated Senate Intelligence Committee says the CIA was right, says the Washington Post. Omitted so far from what I’ve read is any actual reason to believe so besides the old “Even Republican Senators are repeating CIA claims! Wow, they must be true!”
There’s a big recap of the decision to include the Steele Dossier as part of the January 2017 “assessment,” most of which is blacked out.
They cite RT coverage as somehow meaningful beyond showing “preference” for Trump
On page 52 they finally let us see part of their argument, just the outline of it. Same old bullshit again.
The supposed high-level source that was hiding under his own name in Virginia.
The completely unproven case that the Russian GRU hacked the DNC. Again, NSA, the only ones who would know for sure, only gave “moderate” confidence to this judgement, showing most likely that they were just taking the FBI’s word for it.
The leak to Wikileaks that the special prosecutor admitted he had no reliable chain of custody to demonstrate.
The “intrusions” into state electoral systems that were all a bunch of hyped-up Homeland Security bullshit.
And last and least: non-government trolls bought some Facebook ads that did absolutely nothing and RT made fun of us for the financial crash! Waaah.
Same old bullshit. And the evidence? See for yourself. It ain’t there.
No, really, they would tell you, but then they’d have to kill you. And you don’t want to give them the excuse. That’s what they do. Kill people.