… in reviving and building on Aristotle, St. Thomas introduced and established in the Christian world a philosophy of natural law, a philosophy in which human reason is able to master the basic truths of the universe. In the hands of Aquinas as in Aristotle, philosophy, with reason as its instrument of knowledge, became once again the queen of the sciences. Human reason demonstrated the reality of the universe, and of the natural law of discoverable classes of entities. Human reason could know about the nature of the world, and it could therefore know the proper ethics for mankind. Ethics, then, became decipherable by reason.
Murray N. Rothbard
Economic Thought Before Adam Smith, p. 57
James R. Harrigan is Managing Director of the Center for Philosophy of Freedom at the University of Arizona, and the F.A. Hayek Distinguished Fellow at the Foundation for Economic Education.
0:00 – Quote
0:52 – Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
8:14 – Philosophy = the love of wisdom
9:54 – Why Socrates was killed
11:26 – Niccolo Machiavelli
18:59 – John Locke
38:41 – John Rawls
47:42 – Thomas Jefferson & Slavery Jefferson’s Slavery Declaration Grievances removed: https://www.history.com/news/declaration-of-independence-deleted-anti-slavery-clause-jefferson
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