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Trump’s Making His Contribution To Middle East Madness

by | Mar 20, 2017

Trump’s Making His Contribution To Middle East Madness

by | Mar 20, 2017

We really could have skipped all the arduous debate on Iraq during the last presidential campaign. First, Trump was against the Iraq war from the very beginning … Then supposedly he was for the war, before he was against it … Trump denied that and insisted that he was always against the monstrous disaster in Iraq.

You know what all of that amounts to?

Nothing but a big waste of time.

Now that actions are being chosen, and we’ve moved beyond mere words, it’s clear that President Trump has decided to make his contribution to the madness in the Middle East.

When it comes to Iraq, Eric Margolis gives us the facts:

We are now moving rapidly into stage II of Levantine Madness as the US boosts its intervention in the war-torn Mideast.

Five thousand US troops are back in Iraq to bolster the shattered nation’s puppet regime that is propped up by American bayonets. New Iraqi military formations have been formed, totally equipped with modern US M1 Abrams tanks, Humvees, and fleets of trucks. More US forces are on the way.

This is Iraq we’re talking about….Iraq!!

Where’s the change that Americans were voting for?

The knee-jerk excuse that ‘Well, Trump didn’t create the mess in Iraq, but he’s now stuck with carrying on’ is pure bubkas.

The President can bring the troops home at any moment. He’s choosing not to.

Read the rest at the Ron Paul Liberty Report.

Chris Rossini

Chris Rossini

Chris Rossini is an editor & writer for the Ron Paul Liberty Report and media coordinator for Ron Paul.

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