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Thank You From a Military Officer

by | Sep 11, 2016

Thank You From a Military Officer

by | Sep 11, 2016


I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart as you have changed my life for the better.  Today I resigned my commission in the United States Army as I can no longer be part of a death machine that does no good for any part of a peaceful, productive society.  Your website and podcast have turned me from a vengeful, war loving person to a man of peaceful voluntarism.  I cannot thank you enough as you have made me a better person, thus making me a better husband, father, and human.

I became a Christian before a libertarian and was still the typical American Christian.  One that says I like peace but at the same time supporting the killing of innocents in horrible, unnecessary conflicts that spend money we don’t have and kill people we have no business killing.  I found your site and podcasts, along with Lew Rockwell and Mr. Tom Woods, and I became a Christian that is a libertarian.  I am so thankful for the work you have done and my life has been changed in ways that benefit me more than I can ever express. Your interviews with former military members and conscientious objectors gave me the confidence that there are others out there like me and they are living a free and happy life!

In fact, I am in the process of becoming a Paramedic as penance for my time hurting people.  I read your site every day and I share it with others often.  You are one of my heroes for your consistent views and sacrifice for what you believe.  I hope to be able to help others as you have helped me.  By the way, your website is blocked on government computers so you must have them scared.

I feel a weight is lifted off my shoulders as the dichotomy of my views is no longer.  I thank you so much and look forward to spending my time with my children and living my life as free as possible.  Thank you and I am anxiously awaiting your book!


Scott Horton

Scott Horton

Scott Horton is director of the Libertarian Institute, editorial director of, host of Antiwar Radio on Pacifica, 90.7 FM KPFK in Los Angeles, California and podcasts the Scott Horton Show from He is the author of four books. He has conducted more than 6,000 interviews since 2003. Scott lives in Austin, Texas with his wife, Larisa Alexandrovna Horton.

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