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Idaho Cop Arrested For Repeatedly Raping Immobile Cancer Patient

by | Feb 15, 2021

Idaho Cop Arrested For Repeatedly Raping Immobile Cancer Patient

by | Feb 15, 2021

rapist cop

In one of the most disturbing instances of police sexual misconduct we’ve reported here at the Free Thought Project a retired police corporal was arrested this week for repeatedly raping a woman so sick with cancer that she couldn’t fight back.

Scott Wayne McMikle, 58, turned himself at the Ada County Jail Wednesday night and has been charged with nine counts of rape.

The alleged rapes happened over ten years ago, when McMikle was still gainfully employed as a police officer, according to prosecutor Brittany Ford. Ford explained that police launched an investigation in December after McMikle himself called dispatchers to report that the woman had told him that their sexual contact in 2008 was not consensual.

According to police, McMikle even admitted to prosecutors that the victim “did not want to have sex with him in those instances.” Ford explained the rapes happened when the woman was undergoing treatment for breast cancer and was bedridden.

“Due to her aggressive cancer treatment, she had been bedridden and extremely weak. She was so weak that she could not even move,” the prosecutor said.

According to Ford, the rapes happened on multiple occasions even though she begged him to stop. He also allegedly threatened to use his police authority against her if she told anyone.

“She reported that she didn’t tell anybody because the defendant would yell at her constantly saying that because he was a retired police officer, no one would believe her, and that if anything happened to her, she would no longer have his health insurance, which was paying for her life-saving cancer treatment,” Ford said. “He also threatened legal trouble for her if she reported.”

When McMikle was arrested, a search of his phone revealed a potential impetus for why he would rape a sickly cancer patient. He apparently had an affinity for sex with sick or injured people—which makes his post-retirement job as a hospital security guard extremely suspect.

According to KTVB 7, Ford urged the judge to view McMikle as a danger to the community, despite his lack of criminal history. The defendant, who lives in Louisiana and traveled back to Idaho to surrender after the warrants were issued, currently works as a security guard at a hospital. The prosecutor also noted that investigators found pornography of “amputees or other unwell people” on his phone, raising concerns about his access to vulnerable patients.

Despite McMikle, himself, telling prosecutors that his victim was not willing at the time they had sex — the de facto definition of rape — an attorney for the cop told the court the alleged rape is a case of “mistaken memory.”

“It seems that she was basically convinced by her therapist that she was a victim and that [McMikle] violated her,” Ryan Tatum, McMikle’s attorney said.

“Mr. McMikle was an honorable servant to the community until his retirement after 32 years of service,” he said. “During that time, it’s believed there was never even a single complaint of anything involving an ethical issue or criminal activity.”

Judge Michael Lojek set bond in the case at $250,000, noting that a no-contact order was already in place between McMikle and the victim.

At the time of the alleged rapes, McMikle was working at the Boise police department. Haley Williams, a spokeswoman for the department told reporters on Thursday they are launching their own investigation.

“The charges against Scott McMikle are serious and concerning. When we learned of the investigation and subsequent warrant being issued, we opened an internal inquiry to review any past complaints involving Mr. McMikle to determine if there are any that require further investigation in light of these allegations. McMikle retired from the Boise Police Department in 2015,” Williams told KTVB in a statement.”The Boise Police Department holds its employees to the highest standards and will investigate all allegations of misconduct. We make every effort to ensure our employees display professionalism and meet the high standards the public has come to expect from members of our department.”

McMikle is due back in court Feb. 24, and in Idaho, rape is punishable by up to life in prison.

This article was originally featured at The Free Thought Project and is republished with permission.

Matt Agorist

Matt Agorist

Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project. Follow @MattAgorist on Twitter, Steemit, and now on Minds.

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