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Let's Adopt The U.S. Naval Policy of 1890

by | Nov 26, 2017

Let's Adopt The U.S. Naval Policy of 1890

by | Nov 26, 2017

Back in 1890, the U.S. Naval Policy Board said in a report:
“We fear no encroachments on our territory, nor are we tempted at present to encroach on that of others. We have no colonies, nor any desire to acquire them.”
First, let’s discuss the aspect of the statement that has not changed one iota since 1890:
We fear no encroachments on our territory
In 2017, we can say the exact same statement with total confidence. No state on the planet has any interest in conquering America. No one is interested in ruling over our WalMart/McDonald’s society.
No one is interested in taking over Washington D.C. and inheriting 20,000,000,000,000 in debt.
No one is interested in ruling a nation of people who are in debt up to their eyeballs with student loans, auto loans, mortgage loans, credit card loans….loans…loans…loans…loans…loans…
No one is interested!
Which leads to the part of the statement that has changed since 1890:
nor are we tempted at present to encroach on that of others.
In 1898, that aspect changed, and the U.S. federal government has never looked back.
In 1898, the U.S. got its first taste of the conquering game. It swiftly took control of the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Hawaii.
All of a sudden 11 million people were under a new American Empire.
A few decades later, after the first high wore off, one of the worst decisions in the history of the world was made: U.S. President Woodrow Wilson tricked the American public into entering an exhausted and stalemated European war between princes.
The “war to end all wars” was the war that would lead to the death of hundreds of millions over the next century.
The rest, of course, is history, and here we are:
Broke….A country with middle-class that is disappearing, and 50% of the American public receiving some kind of welfare from a bankrupt government.
U.S. Naval Policy in 1890 is where it’s at.
The sooner we adopt it, the better.
Reprinted with permission from the Ron Paul Liberty Report.

Chris Rossini

Chris Rossini

Chris Rossini is an editor & writer for the Ron Paul Liberty Report and media coordinator for Ron Paul.

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