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Social Control Through Trauma. School Lock-Down Active Shooter Drills Are NOT About Safety

by | Mar 9, 2018

Social Control Through Trauma. School Lock-Down Active Shooter Drills Are NOT About Safety

by | Mar 9, 2018

Fordham Law School Professor John Plaff posted a great twitter thread questioning the use of School shooter drills.

Go read it first:

This post by a schoolteacher is what he is referencing:

That’s just one squeamish teacher right? Take a moment to watch this ABC report:

Huddled School Children Subjected to Mock Shooting Massacre by Police

A large seemingly enraged cop, suited up in black like a demonic spawn of Jason Vorhees and Darth Vader. “I’m gonna kill everybody. No one is getting out of here!” As he barges in to a classroom and fires a pistol at kids who had been ordered to huddle subserviently and await their simulated massacre.

School lockdown/shooter drills are intentionally traumatic and an intentional mass social control mechanism. Children’s so-called ‘protectors’ methodically, repeatedly traumatize (for their own good of course) break them down, instill learned helplessness. Creating future generations of fearful, more obedient subjects.

Does this seem far-fetched? Some people replying to Mr. Plaff’s thread likened these drills to cold-war era duck-and-cover exercises. Cold War propaganda is a great example of how this works:

Government, Military-Corporate Industrial Complex, intelligence agencies, media, social research academia all arrayed massive resources to subject their own domestic populace to a full-spectrum fear-based propaganda campaign. Not so much to resolve the real US-USSR conflict but to maximize and perpetuate the antagonism as best they can for their own financial, power expanding, malevolent personal and social order purposes.

Duck-and-cover was just one small aspect (hey, kids you must stay hyper-vigilant at all times cause as soon as you see a flash you better cower and hide under an open desk or you will be instantly vaporized.) Laughably useless against a nuke but it sure does make a fearful impression on a malleable mind.

All of this helped our parents convince themselves to accept and actually believe in the ‘necessity’ of a previously unthinkable global militarily presence the world has never seen. Coincidentally this just so happened to be massively profitable and power enhancing for the spheres of influence who were most involved. This highly influenced conclusion was passed on to successive generations and accepted as normal.

Still not convinced you or your parents were highly manipulated? Then why do USA and Russia still have enough nukes to guarantee the same instant world annihilation from a generation ago yet you don’t hear about it so much anymore?

Trauma infliction and fear mongering as a means of deceptive social control is as old as humanity. Most people know this is true but at the same time adamantly deny it goes on today, that they personally have been affected by it, or fail to comprehend the encompassing magnitude of it’s size.

Your ‘protectors’ have moved on to other inflated hobgoblins to menace you with. The players change, tactics are tweaked but the strategy remains the same: Taking a sliver of a real threat and emotionally manipulating you into giving up your liberty, unjustly infringing on others, directing your response efforts in directions that maximize their benefit, not your best interest. All the while you are convinced these thoughts are yours alone.

Yes it continues today. Random machine gun toting school shooters are just one of many exploited memes. This time you have government-industrial complexes of law enforcement, education, mental health, media corporations, politicians, all clamoring to “do something.” By the way that’s the same groups who have done the most to destabilize our society in the first place. These ‘solutions” all of which conveniently will expand their budgets, power, control also diminish individuals’ power, personal responsibility and liberty. Funny how that works.

Even well-intended (or maybe not) advocacy groups on both sides like Everytown for Gun Safety pushing for gun confiscation and NRA’s pushing to turn schools into armed prison-like fortresses fuel the false dialectic. Both solutions are catastrophically counterproductive.

Today’s duck-and-cover tactic is now hyper-realistic lockdown/active shooter drills. Complete with with real, imposing armed cops, alarms, banging like a deranged killer on doors to room full of of kindergartners huddled in the dark. Simulated shootings overload their senses, gun barrels pointed at their eyes, earsplitting shots, acrid burnt gunpowder, authority figures yelling commands. Kids instructed to hide, cower, or run out with their hands high in the air lest they get shot by mistake. Pupils are reminded to inform on any classmates who present even a hint of instability.

School safety is a real concern, and there is some logic to preparation but mass shootings are statistically infinitesimal. Even then, they are more a symptom of an already destabilized culture and society not necessarily a cause.

Don’t forget it is the overt social control institutions of the Department of Justice and Department of Education who design, promote, fund, otherwise ensure the implementation of these tactics. These two virtually unaccountable Federal behemoths raison d’être is to impose it’s version of society through the use of violence and compulsory indoctrination. For your own good of course.

Very highest levels of bureaucracies, politics, psychology and social academia, governments, crony-corporations attracts highly functioning psychopaths. They don’t think like you but they know how you think. And have successfully manipulated the masses for decades.

Sure these drills play only a part in the current social and culture creation. But history demands you comprehend:

Traumatizing young minds, installation of fear, fatal hopelessness, personal dis-empowerment, push to rely on bureaucratic authority figures to save and protect you through the use of these lockdown/shooter drills; rather than an unfortunate side-effect, IS the actual intent.

Raeford Davis

Raeford Davis

Former Cop Turned Freedom Advocate

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