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The FBI’s Failure to Comply with FOIA: Reform Necessary After Lawsuits Detail Pattern of Deception

The FBI’s Failure to Comply with FOIA: Reform Necessary After Lawsuits Detail Pattern of Deception

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), as a federal agency, is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which requires the release of certain records upon request from the public. FOIA compels the release of these records unless the information falls under one of nine exemptions, including national security, personal privacy, and law enforcement investigations. The FBI has been widely criticized for its frequent invocation of the national security exemption to withhold information from the public. In some cases, the FBI has withheld documents from release...

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All Points Bulletin: Timothy McVeigh and the Brown Pickup Truck

All Points Bulletin: Timothy McVeigh and the Brown Pickup Truck

Timothy McVeigh fled the scene of the Oklahoma City bombing driving a battered old yellow Mercury Marquis that was missing a license plate. He was spotted fleeing the scene, with a passenger sitting next to him in the Marquis, by witness Gary Lewis. FBI agent John Hersley testified about the witness during an April 27, 1995, preliminary hearing, excerpted belowU.S. vs. Timothy McVeigh, № M-95–98-H (Western District of Oklahoma.) Preliminary Hearing, 27 Apr. 1995. Testimony of Jon Hersley, pp 86-87. See also Gary Lewis 302 reports: (1) FBI 302, interview w/ Gary Lewis by SA Leslie...

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Merrick Garland Should Start His Crusade Against White Supremacists By Re-Opening the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing Case

Given the recent stories about Merrick Garland’s experience at the helm of the Oklahoma City bombing prosecution and his own comments about prosecuting white supremacists should he be made Attorney General, I have some questions about Garland’s handling of the OKC bombing case. My questions: At an April 27, 1995 Preliminary Hearing, why did you “object” when defense attorneys noted that your witness, FBI agent Jon Hersley, testified that the Ryder truck carried “passengers” — plural? Your objection was overruled, and your witness confirmed that Timothy McVeigh was seated in the Ryder truck...

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Who Helped McVeigh Blow Up Oklahoma City?

Who Helped McVeigh Blow Up Oklahoma City?

“How do 5 or 6 people see something and describe generally the same thing if it doesn’t exist?” — Dan Vogel, FBI Special Agent, Oklahoma City Field Office “If only one person had seen that, or two or three…but twenty-four? Twenty-four people say, yes I saw him [McVeigh] with somebody else? That’s pretty powerful.” — Danny Coulson, former Deputy Assistant Director FBI, founder of FBI Hostage Rescue Team and Special Agent-in-Charge of the Dallas FBI Field Office in April 1995. “My conclusion, after having interviewed these witnesses is that they did indeed see [John Doe #2]. And that in each...

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Kamala Harris Says ‘We All End Up in the Same Place’

Recently Kamala Harris tweeted a video where she's talking nonsense about "equity" and "equality" -- pandering to the left's progressives -- which ends with her saying, “equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place." End up at the same place. Well, it's Kamala Harris ... so we can deduce that she's talking about jail. We all end up in jail. "A cell for you, a cell for you, and a cell for you! Everyone gets a cell!" The Trump train has been working overtime to paint Kamala Harris as the most radical left-leaning figure in the Democratic party, but this is a misstep: it's...

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The Lies Behind the Oklahoma City Bombing

The Lies Behind the Oklahoma City Bombing

Despite the seemingly simple conclusion behind the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing, the investigation was exceedingly complicated. To this day, it is still the FBI’s most massive investigation, comprised of millions of pages of evidence. Careful analysis of this paper trail shows that the official narrative of the FBI and ATF is in fact a half-truth that ignores findings supported by the records. The FBI and ATF’s positions are frequently backed up with misleading statements, and in some instances, total fabrications. In an honest investigation, there would be no reason to concoct and disseminate...

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Who Helped Timothy McVeigh Blow Up Oklahoma City?

Who Helped Timothy McVeigh Blow Up Oklahoma City?

Cassville is located in the extreme southwest of Missouri, sitting adjacent to the northeastern Oklahoma and southeastern Kansas state borders. It’s about an hour away from the nearby cities of Joplin and Carthage and about two and a half hours, 130 miles, from Elohim City, Oklahoma. It was in Cassville that William Maloney operated a real estate brokerage office. In the fall of 1994, Maloney had advertised for sale forty acres of property in the Ozark Mountains. Sometime from October 25th to 27th, 1994, Maloney’s office received a phone call inquiring about that property. The caller...

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The Oklahoma City Bombing Surveiled: What Do the Videos Show?

The Oklahoma City Bombing Surveiled: What Do the Videos Show?

Today, closed-circuit surveillance cameras are ubiquitous. You find them everywhere: at gas stations, stoplights, on government property, on private property. At the time of the April 19th, 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, you could find surveillance cameras mounted at over a dozen properties in downtown Oklahoma City: the Regency Towers apartment building, the Journal Records Building, the Southwestern Bell building, the post office, and elsewhere. The properties surrounding the Alfred P. Murrah federal building were littered with surveillance cameras, some of which captured the April 19th, 1995...

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