- Flynn offers to testify about the Trump campaign connections to Russia in exchange for immunity. [Link]
- Trump has given the military power to conduct offensive counterterrorism strikes against al-Shabaab in Somalia. Previously, the US was only about to conduct strikes in defense of Somalian government troops. [Link]
- Nikky Haley and Rex Tillerson both made statements yesterday suggesting that US policy has shifted away from an “Assad must go” position. [Link]
- The Pentagon is responding to criticisms of the airstrike in Mosul that left up to 240 civilians dead. The Pentagon is blaming the attack on ISIS. The Pentagon claims that ISIS put the civilians in the building, then fired from the building to bait the US into the attack. [Link]
- Venezuela’s Congress has been dissolved by the high court, making Maduro a dictator. [Link]
- Israel is adopting a policy of unconstrained settlement growth in Palestinian territory. [Link]
- The US-led coalition against ISIS has suffered 5,000 casualties in the battle for Mosul. [Link]
- Syrian rebels have been able to seize areas in Southern Syria as ISIS retreats. [Link]