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News Roundup 8/21/17

by | Aug 21, 2017

  • Trump will meet with several military advisers about a plan for the Afghanistan War. Trump is expected to announce a decision soon. [Link]
  • Steve Bannon has resigned from the Trump Administration. [Link]
  • The family of a young man charged with attempting to bomb an Oklahoma City bank has issued a statement. The family claims their son has paranoid schizophrenia and he was pushed by an FBI informant to commit the crime. [Link]
  • The number of migrants fleeing Libya to go to Italy has significantly dropped since mid-July. [Link]
  • Ten US sailors are missing after the USS John McCain collided with a merchant ship near Singapore. [Link]
  • General Dunford pledges the US will defend Japan from a North Korean attack. [Link]
  • North Korea condemns the US and South Korea upcoming military drills. [Link]
  • Residents of a Somalian town hit by US airstrikes claim the strikes killed seven civilians. The US claimed the strikes killed members of al-Shabaab. [Link]
  • Vice President Pence and NSA McMaster are pushing Trump to send more troops to Afghanistan. McMaster also blocked Erik Prince from pitching Trump his plan to wage a private war in Afghanistan. [Link]
  • The Iraqi Kurds are considering postponing a September independence vote in exchange for concessions from the Iraqi government. [Link]
  • 50,000 civilians are trapped in ISIS-held Tel Afar. [Link]
  • The Syrian Arab Army continues to take territory from ISIS and move towards Deir Ezzor. US-backed forces are moving south of Raqqa towards Deir Ezzor. The movement of these two armies could lead to future conflict. [Link]
  • Yemeni activist Hisham al-Omeisy has been abducted and is being held by Houthi forces. [Link]
  • Saudi Arabia has moved troops into Aden, Yemen. [Link]
  • The UN says Saudi Arabia is preventing and delaying humanitarian aid from reaching Northern Yemen. [Link]

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

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