News Roundup 9/1/17

by | Sep 1, 2017

  • The US is sending additional F-15s to the Baltic states. The planes will arrive in the region before Russia begins war games with Bulgaria. [Link] The Russian war games will involve just under 12,700 troops. [Link]
  • The US ordered Russia to close one consulate and two offices that are in the US. The US says this is a response to Russia expelling US diplomats. [Link]
  • Last week’s US-supported raid on a Somali village left several civilians dead. US and/or Somalian troops opened fire civilians and killed several people including children. The raid may cause a split between the Somali government and an important tribe. [Link]
  • The IAEA confirms that Iran is complying with the nuclear deal. [Link]
  • At least 2,154 people were killed in Iraq in August. 333 of the dead were civilians. [Link]
  • The UN warns the US that the US is inflicting unacceptable civilians casualties in Raqqa. [Link]
  • 60 human rights groups are calling for an investigation into war crimes committed by Saudi Arabia in Yemen. [Link]
  • Nassar Arraybee talks about the conditions on the ground in Yemen on the Scott Horton Show. Arraybee explains how Saudi Arabia is weaponizing starvation and disease in Yemen. [Link]

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

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