In this Washington Post piece about their Orwellian task master Jeff Bezos and Amazon’s growing dominance over whathaveyou, the reporter refers offhand to America as a “nominally free” society.
Sounds right.
In this Washington Post piece about their Orwellian task master Jeff Bezos and Amazon’s growing dominance over whathaveyou, the reporter refers offhand to America as a “nominally free” society.
Sounds right.
If Israel had this mass remote detonation capability a year ago, why level Gaza when surgical strikes would have sent a more clear message and not set the entire global Islamic world against them (even worse and more vociferously than before)? Inquiring minds want to... Sheriff Hathaway of Arizona explains the situation at America's border. As libertarians, we should be encouraging people to engage in mutually beneficial voluntary exchanges regardless of arbitrary...
A billion here and several billion there, pretty soon some technology works. Not. Please dismiss the idea of the all-seeing eye-in-the-sky providing real time weapons launch control. And even if they could provide the data, what system would coordinate and synchronize...