
The Sad Victims of TDS

If you have studied the Left for any amount of time, it’s easy to understand why Trump broke their brains. They are essentially children in need of a father figure and Trump was no Obama. Obama was the cool dad that when you brought your friends over was nice to them and may even offered them a sip of his beer. Trump was the dad that was going to embarrass you by farting in front of your in-crowd.

The people on the Right that hated him knew that he hated them. I don’t think it was because Trump had an ideological beef with them, rather he didn’t see the utility in their endeavors. Starting new wars comes to mind.

The group that hates him that makes no sense to me are the libertarian/anarchists. Sure, hate him because he’s a politician and a mass murderer. He can bring all the troops home and stop the wars. Continuing Obama’s wars was probably the worst thing he did. But buying into the “Trump’s a racist crap” is just ridiculous. He’s an elitist. Big difference.

And then there’s the ones who bought into Russia and Ukraine-Gate, who literally sided with the CIA in a coup attempt because they didn’t like him. The excuses were hilarious. Imagine someone who hates the State (allegedly) hating Trump so much more that they actually stood shoulder to shoulder with paid liars and killers. To this day I am perplexed that they bought into it.

Do I think Trump is “Batman?” No. Do I think he’s even an outsider? Nope. But he is enough of a wild card that he could fall into a policy or action that would make us happy; that could end some suffering. The CIA causes endless suffering and that’s who you choose to triumph?

Whatever we think of Trump, libertarians/anarchists should appreciate a bull in the DC china shop even if so many of his policies are tragic. (immigration – even legal – basically ended, tariffs, etc.)

Welcome to Biden’s America where you get Obama/W part two. Well, at least you know Russia is the enemy of the White House again. That’s not dangerous at all. /s

Douglas Macgregor Joining Pentagon As Senior Advisor To Acting Secdef

Good news!

From Axios:

President Trump’s newly installed acting Pentagon chief is bringing on a senior adviser in a sign the administration wants to accelerate the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the Middle East before the end of his presidency in January, three people familiar with the move told Axios.

Why it matters: A senior administration official says a wave of firings at the Pentagon and the hiring of Ret. Army Col. Douglas Macgregor is in part a settling of Trump’s personal scores — but senior White House officials also have made clear “they want them more publicly to talk about getting out of Afghanistan by the end of the year.”

  • Trump, who ran in 2016 on a promise to bring U.S. troops home, is frustrated with the slow pace of withdrawing troops from the Middle East, another senior administration official said.
  • The president has told advisers on numerous occasions he wants troops home from Afghanistan by Christmas.

C.J. Hopkins: The War Is Over …..Globocap Triumphs!

File Source: Http:// Ends.jpg

OK, so, that was not cool. For one terrifying moment there, it actually looked like GloboCap was going to let Russian-Asset Hitler win. Hour after hour on election night, states on the map kept turning red, or pink, or some distinctly non-blue color. Wisconsin … Michigan … Georgia … Florida. It could not be happening, and yet it was. What other explanation was there? The Russians were stealing the election again!

But, of course, GloboCap was just playing with us. They’re a bunch of practical jokers, those GloboCap guys. Naturally, they couldn’t resist the chance to wind us up just one more time.

Seriously, though, while I enjoy a good prank, I still have a number of liberal friends, many of whom were on the verge of suffering major heart attacks as they breathlessly waited for the corporate media to confirm that they had successfully voted a literal dictator out of power. (A few of them suffer from IBS or other gastrointestinal disorders, so, in light of the current toilet paper shortage caused by the Return of the Apocalyptic Plague, toying with them like that was especially cruel.)

But, whatever. That’s water under the bridge. The good news is, the nightmare is over! Literal Hitler and his underground army of Russia-loving white supremacists have been vanquished! Decency has been restored! Globalization has risen from the dead!

And, of course, the most important thing is, racism in America is over … again!

More here

Cannabis Reform’s Momentous Election Night

Even in conservative Mississippi

As most had expected, cannabis reform was a big winner on Election Night 2020. While the nation’s leadership remains in flux, the cannabis results have been anything but. In five states — South Dakota, Mississippi, Arizona, Montana, and New Jersey — voters headed to the polls and let it be known that they want medical or adult-use cannabis. And in one state, voters said yes to both marijuana laws at the same time. The cannabis clean sweep appears to signal another momentous milestone for the marijuana movement that now reaches well across the aisle. As cannabis reform moves closer to a bipartisan topic with each election, the five states to pass regulations this time around send several messages to the nation. Not only is America ready for legal cannabis, but the message it sent could have been even more substantial had it not been for the pandemic and some lingering opposition in some states. 

Cannabis Reform’s Momentous Election Night Could Be The Long-Awaited Tipping Point

Declassify the Russiagate Papers!

Here’s something constructive Trump could do before leaving office at noon on January 20: he could order — demand, insist — that all classified intel and other documents related to the origin of the Russia/election investigation be declassified and released to the public forthwith — unredacted. From what has already gotten out, we know that Russiagate was not a good-faith probe into possible Russian meddling in the 2016 election, much less outright collusion with the Trump campaign. All the evidence that has actually been obtained tells the story of a partisan and otherwise self-interested campaign to undercut or constrain an elected president who upset the foreign-policy establishment (although I can’t can’t fathom why), if not drive him from office altogether.

For example, only this year we learned that in 2017 the company that originally and allegedly confirmed that “the Russians” hacked the DNC server and leaked unflattering emails about the Clinton campaign to Wikileaks actually did not know that that was the case. As Ray McGovern wrote recently that

exactly five months ago, on May 7, 2020, House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff was forced to release sworn testimony by former FBI official Shawn Henry, head of the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, that there is no technical evidence [emphasis added] that the DNC emails published by WikiLeaks were hacked — by Russia, or by anyone else.

Adding insult to injury, Schiff was able to hide Henry’s testimony from Dec. 5, 2017, until May 7, 2020.

Why did Schiff and the former intel officials, some of whom now have lucrative TV commentator gigs, lead the American people all those years to believe that Russia hacked the server, which the FBI never even took possession of or examined? The answer won’t suggest good faith, I suspect.

Trump’s out. (I’m not sorry about that.) He could now do something decent and leave the stage after exposing those who, to protect their political and financial status, insanely played with fire by aggravating Russian-American relations.


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