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A generous donor has offered to match all contributions dollar-for-dollar for the next $10,000 raised, doubling the impact of your donation and helping us reach our fundraising goal faster.

$18,185 of $60,000 raised


The Libertarian Lesson From ‘Downfall’

The Libertarian Lesson From ‘Downfall’

Once small government advocates concede that war is a euphemism for theft funded mass murder, taxation is theft, and economic regulation turns productive people into “criminals”, they will frequently say, “We at least need a government to protect us from other governments!”.

Set aside the fact that death by government from wars, starvation blockades, and genocides yield a result no private organization could ever come close to, since no one imagines private groups have an arbitrary right to initiate violence against peaceful people.

This mentality ignores the economic reality that one group having a judicial monopoly on an entire geographical area, means that other governments only have to occupy a country’s capital buildings in order to “take it over”.

The excellent WWII movie, Downfall (2004), focuses on the National Socialist government of Germany losing control of Berlin (the capital of Germany) to the Soviet’s. The reason Berlin of all cities was the downfall of the Third Reich, was because that was the central point of the government’s control over the people of Germany. Once that area is taken over, and the masses of people have been trained to answer to the people who occupy those buildings, the country has effectively been conquered.

Even today, the War in Ukraine is frequently referred to as the “Battle for Kyiv“, knowing the implications of how powerful it is to occupy a country’s capital.

Under governments, nations essentially put all their eggs in one basket so to speak. Under a free market, no group would have a recognized judicial monopoly in the form of a capital, making it far more costly for other gangs or governments to take control of millions of peoples lives through military intervention.

Progressives and Conservatives alike, always warn us about the potential dangers of free market monopoles, while advocating the state monopolize law and order, compulsory schooling, taxation, the money supply, and a host of other vitally important aspects of society.

It’s true that monopolies give us higher prices and poorer quality than we would otherwise have under competition. It’s also true, that this economic concept applies to government monopolies as well.

Far from being a Utopian fantasy, private security is already all around us. Recently I witnessed a company experience a Ransomware attack. Every file that made their company what it is, was in danger. At no point did anyone say, “Let’s call 911 and the FBI and the NSA they can protect our property!” They immediately called a private IT company in Arizona, got a hold of SentinelOne private Cyber Security, used Google Cloud Security to back up protected files, and PayPal private security to keep their financial assets safe.

When push came to shove and they needed their most valuable assets protected, they went to private security and ignored the state completely knowing it would be a waste of time.

At shopping malls, baseball games, banks, bars, hotels, amusement parks, and concerts we see private security voluntarily providing what the state claims only they can give us.

It’s time we stop having double standards. If government employees can’t voluntarily compete for our hard earned money, they should go bankrupt and cease to exist.

I’ll end with a quote by author, Michael Malice:

If the government didn’t have a monopoly on security, only rich people would be able to have security just like when the government got out of other businesses, the only cars produced were limousines, the only clothes produced were tuxedos and the only food produced was foie gras. 

– Michael Malice, July 26th, 2022 (Twitter)

The Gender Death Gap

The Gender Death Gap

A central claim of modern day Social Justice advocates is that the existence of disparities, is proof of discrimination.

By this metric, American police and the American workplace system are systemically, systematically, and fundamentally sexist (and ageist!).

An overwhelming majority of people shot and killed by police are male – over 95 percent. More than half of the victims are between 20 and 40 years old.

– Washington Post, Police Shootings Database

The real problem with police is two-fold. First, they are coercively funded via taxation, meaning they receive money from their involuntary customer base whether or not they are providing a quality service. Second, the system of Officer Supremacy means they have a right to give citizens orders, and the citizens have a legal obligation to obey them.

Bad news for workplace equality as well. According to Forbes,

[T]he huge difference in workplace fatalities between men and women, with 4,761 men dying on the job compared to 386 women in 2017. The fatality rate for men was about 10 times that of women: 5.7 per 100,000 vs. 0.6 per 100,000 for women.

– Chuck DeVore, Fatal Employment: Men 10 Times More Likely Than Women To Be Killed At Work

It turns out, men have roughly 13 times the amount of testosterone that women do, making them more likely to commit acts of direct physical violence such as rape and murder. It also explains why they apply for jobs that entail more risk and result in higher compensation.

Please let us put to bed this evil, divisive myth that the existence of disparities in outcome is proof of unjust discrimination!

CFR President Richard Haass Admits the UniParty is Real

CFR President Richard Haass Admits the UniParty is Real

It used to be—think about it, until recently it didn’t really matter all that much who won an election at the presidential level. Don’t get me wrong, obviously there were differences between the parties. But if I can use a sports metaphor, the differences between Republicans and Democrats, per se, were within the forty-yard lines. Yeah, there’d be differences but actually what Democrats and Republicans had in common was far greater than what they did not.

– Richard Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations (June 1st, 2023)

Besides the “until recently” part, I fully agree with Mr. Haass.

Consider the overlap between Democrats and Republicans. Both support:

  • National Security Agency spying on Americans
  • CIA
  • FBI
  • The military invading countries based on lies and murdering civilians
  • NATO
  • The Federal Reserve
  • State involvement in healthcare
  • State schooling
  • Occupational licensing
  • Taxation (sales and income)
  • Commercial licensing
  • Tariffs
  • Immigration restrictions
  • Agricultural subsidies
  • Increasing military spending
  • State police force 
  • Increasing the Federal Budget
  • The drug war
  • Food stamps
  • Social Security
  • FDA
  • EPA
  • OSHA
  • Capital gains tax
  • Bank bailouts
Getting Money Out of Politics: Abolish the IRS

Getting Money Out of Politics: Abolish the IRS

[I]f you don’t get money out of politics, then yes in the long term it’s hopeless. But we must, we must get money out of politics.

Cenk Uygur, creator of The Young Turks

Progressive Cenk Uygur said these words without realizing the fact that the primary source of money in politics comes from the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service, two institutions he proudly supports.

What he is most likely talking about, are voluntary political donations. In other words, people choosing to give their money to candidates is wrong, but those very same politicians should have the right to coercively fund themselves via the IRS. Unlike Netflix or Amazon, the IRS gets to put people in prison for choosing to disassociate with them.


Millions in donor funds = Pure Evil

$6.27 Trillion annually taken by force = Progressive Social Justice

Political democracy means you get a 1 in 10,000,000 vote on who wins an election, and Democrats call this representation. However, when people actually choose to do things that have a direct effect on their lives, Cenk supports the state forcibly stopping them. Mandating by law, that people chip in for things they might oppose (taxation), Cenk strips people of their right of actual representation. By supporting commercial and occupational licensing, Cenk strips them of the right to achieve thier goals in life.

As a wise man once said, Progressivism is simply domestic Imperialism.


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