Donor Matching Funds Announced!

A generous donor has offered to match all contributions dollar-for-dollar for the next $10,000 raised, doubling the impact of your donation and helping us reach our fundraising goal faster.

$18,185 of $60,000 raised


The Tale of the Steak – A Lesson in Economics by Walter E. Williams

The Tale of the Steak – A Lesson in Economics by Walter E. Williams

Consider filet mignon and chuck steak. Assume-realistically-that consumers prefer the former. Then the question becomes: why is it, despite consumer preferences, that chuck steak sells at all? The fact is that chuck steak outsells filet mignon. How does something less preferred compete with something more preferred?


It does so by offering what economists call “compensating differences.” In other words, as you wheel your shopping cart down the aisle, chuck steak “says” to you, “I don’t look as nice as filet mignon; I’m not as tender and tasty; but I’m not as expensive either. I sell for $4.00 a pound while filet mignon sells for $9.00.” Chuck steak therefore in effect offers to “pay” you $5.00 per pound for its “inferiority,” a compensating difference.


Suppose sellers of filet mignon wanted to raise their sales by colluding against the less-preferred competitor. What would be their most effective strategy? Short of getting a law passed prohibiting sales of chuck steak, it would be to push for a law establishing minimum prices for steak. What would be the effect of a minimum steak law of, say, $9 per pound for all steaks?


Put yourself in the position of the shopper wheeling his cart down the aisle after the enactment of such a law. Chuck steak now says to you, “I don’t look as nice as filet mignon, I’m not as tender and tasty, and I sell for the same price as my preferred competitor, filet mignon. Buy me.” That plea would fall on deaf ears. You would say to yourself, “Why should I buy chuck steak when it sells for the same price as filet mignon, which I prefer anyway?”


Such a sentiment exemplifies the basic law of demand: the lower the cost of doing something, the more of it will be done. In this case, the cost of discriminating against, not selecting, chuck steak is effectively zero. Prior to the legislated minimum price, the cost of discriminating against chuck steak was $5.00 per pound, the difference in price. The steak example applies to any mandated minimum price.


In the case of minimum wage laws, a mandated minimum lowers the cost of-hence encourages-the indulgence of racial preference in the labor market. Some might object to the validity of my example by saying that people are not the same thing as cuts of meat. That is true-just as steel balls are not the same as people. However, although steel balls and people are different, both obey the law of gravity.


The independent influence of gravity on a steel ball’s acceleration is 32 feet per second per second and its influence on a person is exactly the same. Similarly, quantities demanded for cuts of meat are influenced by the law of demand, and so are quantities demanded of a person’s labor services.


– Walter E. Williams, Ph.D., Race and Economics (p. 48-9)

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a Tyrant Unworthy of Admiration

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a Tyrant Unworthy of Admiration

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has:

Instituted Military Conscription (Also Known As Slavery and Forced Labor)

Bombed Poland Then Lied Blaming Russia Trying to Start World War Three w/ NATO

Nationalized (Monopolized) the Media

Banned opposition parties

Repressed the Russian Orthodox Church (sanctions, asset freezes, etc)

Aaron Maté: ‘NATO’s mission’ leaves Ukraine destroyed

NATO’s mission’ leaves Ukraine destroyed — “We are carrying out NATO’s mission.” As Ukraine’s defense minister acknowledges the proxy war, NATO proxy warriors disregard the toll.

Unveiling its latest military assistance package to Ukraine — at $3.75 billion, the largest to date — the White House declared that US weapons are intended “to help the Ukrainians resist Russian aggression.”

For their part, Ukrainians on the receiving end see it differently.

“We are carrying out NATO’s mission,” Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said in an interview. “They aren’t shedding their blood. We’re shedding ours. That’s why they’re required to supply us with weapons.” Repeating a rationale offered by his US sponsors in previous wars, including the invasion of Iraq, Reznikov added that Ukraine “is defending the entire civilized world.”

Ban This!

dangWell shoot. I got kicked off of Twitter again.

Not sure why. Though I did make a crack that Jordan Peterson should jump off a bridge since he has no dignity since he RTs the MeK cult on regime changing Iran.

I mean I didn’t really say go kill yourself. It was more like go jump in a lake. But that might have been the one that did it. Even if I meant it, that’s still bullshit. I wonder if Mr. Free Speech Sometimes, Dr. Peterson will come to my defense …

Anyways, I’ve got too many jobs as it is, and Twitter is a big distraction, so silver linings.

Update: I did not say this TO Peterson at all. He was not on the thread. I just said to someone else, that guy should jump off a bridge. Which is alot like go jump in a lake, and less like you should definitely kill yourself.

Church Proves the Poor Will Benefit From Privatized Education

Church Proves the Poor Will Benefit From Privatized Education

Depending on which source you look at, there are hundreds of thousands of churches in world.

Almost all Churches contain the two things Democrats constantly tell us are impossible if education were voluntarily funded instead of funded coercively via taxation.


  1. They are private
  2. They are voluntarily funded
  3. The poor can almost always attend for free
  4. There is competition and choice


764 years ago, the Salisbury Cathedral was consecrated in England. Considered the oldest example of early Gothic architecture in England, the old beauty maintains the largest cloister, the tallest spire, and the largest external park or “cathedral close,” of any cathedral in Britain. Inside are also one of the oldest continual-working clocks, and one of the 4 surviving copies of the Magna Carta….Construction was paid for by donations, principally from the canons and vicars of southeast England, who were asked to contribute a fixed annual sum until the building was completed.

– Good News in History September 20th,

This disproves yet another Blue Anon conspiracy theory, “the rich want to privatize education so everyone is stupid and then the rich will dominate us.”

It’s also worth noting that after 12 years of public schools and 4 years of University most people are ignorant of history, economics, science, philosophy, have few marketable skills, low emotional intelligence, and vote for immoral people like Barack Obama and George W. Bush.

Here’s a free book you’ll enjoy: The Voluntaryist Handbook

Ashli Babbitt’s Mother Arrested for Peaceful Protest While  Her Murderer is Still Free

Ashli Babbitt’s Mother Arrested for Peaceful Protest While Her Murderer is Still Free

The mother of Ashli Babbitt, who was fatally shot while participating in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, was arrested Friday afternoon for blocking traffic near the Capitol.

Micki Witthoeft, 58, is charged with blocking and obstructing roadways, U.S. Capitol Police said.

NBC Washington

On January 6th, 2021 Democrats had the chance to finally stand with the 99% against the rich and powerful. Instead of doing so, they chose to vilify the working class and side with the corporate press, CIA, FBI, NSA, blue check Twitter, and all the other powers that be.

In Canada, they had the chance to side with the Convoy Protestors (truckers) against the regime of Justin Trudeau, they again chose to side against the working class.

Little to no coverage has been given to Ashli Babbitt, the unarmed peaceful protestor who was murdered by Michael Byrd. It’s okay for government’s to commit mass murder under the guise of “war and foreign policy”, but do not dare enter the Capitol without a permission slip.

If “we are the government” as Democrats always love to say, wasn’t Babbitt simply going into her own building? Or could it be that “we are the government” is a scam used to get people to comply with immoral laws?

Let’s put their theory to the test.

I hereby call for the arrest of Michael Byrd for the crime of murder in the second degree.

Instead of playing the game of rich vs. poor, or black vs. white, or Russia vs. America, or men vs. women, let’s divide people based on whether or not they are peaceful or violent.

AOC is Dumber Than I Thought: Minimum Wage Edition

AOC is Dumber Than I Thought: Minimum Wage Edition

Progressives will admit higher prices hurt those with the lowest incomes, but when it comes to raising the price of labor they ignore that very economic reality: Charging more for X discourages X from being consumed.

When you raise the price of employing someone: Fewer people will be employed, smaller businesses will be hurt disproportionately, low skilled employees will not get a chance to get their foot in the door, people with little experience will not get opportunities or on the job experiences, oligopolies will result meaning fewer options for consumers and employees and higher costs for goods and services.

Congresswoman Cortez said the fact that McDonalds in Denmark pays more than McDonalds in America it clearly wouldn’t be an issue to raise the minimum wage in America.

See the scam?

She claims that “Since multinational billion dollar corporation X can afford Y, all companies in America should be forced to pay for Y.”

Saying McDonalds, a multi billion dollar corporation can afford to pay high wages, is like saying “Houses and health care should go up in price. Jeff Bezos, LeBron James, The Walton Family, and Oprah can afford it!”

No mention of smaller competing start ups which are trying to compete with the big guys, which as we have seen don’t always last. Sam Goody, Sears, Blockbuster, A&P Grocers, Kodak, MySpace, all huge companies that failed since they faced competition.

Finally the Progressive may say, “If a business can’t pay X amount per hour, they deserved to lose everything.” To which I say, “My body my choice.” If I choose to contract for $0.00 an hour as an intern, you have no right to stop me. If I CHOOSE to work for $0.00 an hour, for thousands for hours as everyone does in college, I have the right to do so. People who volunteer for charities get $0.00 an hour. I work and invest time in my business for $0.00 an hour.

AOC, stop using your institutional power to coercively control the working class.


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