
Call Your Congressmen and Senators Re Yemen War Powers Resolution

In the House it’s HJ Res 87, in the Senate it’s SJ Res 54.

Call 833 STOP WAR and they will connect you directly to your representatives.

If you have a Democratic Congressman, tell them the President said he wants to end this war. He needs us to support him on this to help him face down pressure from the Republicans. Also, emphasize the humanitarian crisis and the idea that ending this war now will be good for the Democrats in November.

If your rep is a Republican, you should tell them you believe in America First! Obama started this war, Brandon sucks at implementing it. This is not the war on terrorism against AQAP, this war actually directly benefits them by targeting their worst enemies. Wasting money on policing the world when we’re running out of baby formula makes me angry. And passing this resolution will embarrass and help to weaken Biden and the Democrats for November.

This war is treason and genocide. There’s currently a cease-fire. The Saudis have abandoned their major goal of reinstalling the last dictator.

And lo and behold: there are literally brand-new, active War Powers Resolutions in both houses of Congress right now.

We have an advantage to press. We have to do everything we can to press it.


And thank you!

Richard Cobden on the Link between Free Trade and Peace

I see in the Free-trade principle that which shall act on the moral world as the principle of gravitation in the universe,—drawing men together, thrusting aside the antagonism of race, and creed, and language, and uniting us in the bonds of eternal peace. I have looked even farther. I have speculated, and probably dreamt, in the dim future—ay, a thousand years hence—I have speculated on what the effect of the triumph of this principle may be. I believe that the effect will be to change the face of the world, so as to introduce a system of government entirely distinct from that which now prevails. I believe that the desire and the motive for large and mighty empires; for gigantic armies and great navies—for those materials which are used for the destruction of life and the desolation of the rewards of labour—will die away; I believe that such things will cease to be necessary, or to be used, when man becomes one family, and freely exchanges the fruits of his labour with his brother man. I believe that, if we could be allowed to reappear on this sublunary scene, we should see, at a far distant period, the governing system of this world revert to something like the municipal system; and I believe that the speculative philosopher of a thousand years hence will date the greatest revolution that ever happened in the world’s history from the triumph of the principle which we have met here to advocate.

Richard Cobden; Speech; Manchester, England; January 15, 1846


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