
Zionists Have to Lie

The truth does not serve to bolster their position, so they just lean hard on lies.

Check out Rep. Brad Sherman here, trying to justify a law censoring the word “apartheid” from curriculum in Palestinian schools funded by the U.S. or UN.:

“I believe this amendment is accurate… There might be some who would say– or at least I have met a few people who would claim– that Israel is an apartheid state, and I want to rebut that extreme conclusion. We want a two state solution. That means that there will be one state for one people apart from another state for another people. That is not apartheid. Apartheid was a vicious system in Southern Africa that the entire world worked to destroy. So to call Israel an apartheid state is to call for a worldwide effort to destroy Israel. The fact is that there is a border between Israel and Egypt. So the Egyptian people are separated from Israel by a border. They live apart from Israel in Egypt.

That is no different from what we see in Europe. Nobody has called the Netherlands an apartheid state because it has a border with Germany. And the Dutch live predominantly on one side of the border and Germans tend to live on the other side of the border, and they both have different states for different people. And of course there are some Germans living in the Netherlands and some Dutch living in Germany and their rights are protected. So to say those who want a Jewish state living side by side with a Palestinian state are embracing the evils of apartheid is to say that virtually every international border constitutes a separateness, an apartheid, because it divides people into different countries. And I think that’s an extreme and ridiculous conclusion. We do want a two state solution. That is a majority sentiment in Israel and is the official position of the Israeli government. It’s almost the position of the Palestinian Authority. So to condemn Israel because it wants to be a Jewish state should be done right after we condemn the Netherlands because for wanting to be a predominantly Dutch state.”

As Phil Weiss comments, “There are many reasons I think this argument is nonsense. There is today only one state in the land, Israel, and the U.S. does all in its power to prevent Palestine’s efforts to be recognized as a state. The “borders” established by the international community in 1947 and again in 1949 are mere wishes; they have not been respected; Israel has occupied the land assigned to Palestine and moved 750,000 Jewish Israelis into that territory. Jews there are under a separate set of laws than the Palestinians, with separate roads and walls that cut through Palestinian villages, and the Palestinians are under military law.”

As Benjamin Netanyahu has said, there will only ever be one state between the river and the see, but it will most assuredly not be free:

“I think the Israeli people understand now what I always say: that there cannot be a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan.”

Right. Apartheid.

Energy News Flash!

Higher-income people can cope more easily with government-created soaring energy prices than lower-income people can. The state is no friend of those who struggle to pay their bills.

Electric Funeral

Electric Funeral


Imagine this hypothetical.

A material is found that has the potential to unlock nearly unlimited energy. Although the scientists who made the discovery know that the material is dangerous to humans, no one knows exactly how dangerous the material is, what its short and long term effects are, and in what doses these effects manifest.

Without this information, the scientists embark upon a secret project that requires several thousand people to be exposed to the substance. Most, if not all of the people involved in this secret project, are unaware that they are being exposed.

During the secret project, all of the workers are exposed to the material. Some are more exposed than others and are injured. The scientists study how and why certain workers are injured, how greater their doses were, and what the effects of their exposures are. Nonetheless, the secret project continues and more are exposed. Some are injured in ways that are not apparent until several decades later. 

At the same time the workers are being exposed, the scientists also conduct a parallel series of animal exposure experiments. 

Eventually, the scientists decide it is not enough to just observe the secret project’s workers, or to expose test animals to the material. 

Instead, they devise a series of experiments that would see them purposely inject the material into human test subjects. 

But how could the scientists possibly ask for volunteers for such a dangerous and unpredictable study? 

They could not and did not.

Instead, these scientists secretly injected scores, if not hundreds of people with the material–just to see what happened. Many of these uninformed test subjects suffered adverse effects.

The secret project inflicted an immeasurable amount of harm on everyone exposed to the dangerous material.

But wait…there’s more.

The ultimate purpose of the secret project–beyond understanding the material’s dangerous effects–was to create a device capable of vaporizing an entire city in an instant. 

Indeed, the scientists were successful in this secret project. The city-destroying device they created was used to decimate two cities–killing approximately 200,000 civilians. 

When the secret project was publicized, the scientists were heralded as heroes instead of denounced as mass murdering sociopaths. 

Is this story some kind of twisted horror cosmic from the fevered mind of a fiction writer? 

No. This is the secret history of the Manhattan Project.

Why Was Trump Never Impeached for Murdering Civilians?

Why Was Trump Never Impeached for Murdering Civilians?


The corporate press, along with university professors, Democrats, intelligence agencies, Hollywood elites, blue check Twitter, Regime Libertarians, Regime Republicans, and k-12 school teachers often have no quarrels about saying Trump is evil. Usual reasons include: conspiring with Russia to steal the 2016 election, quid-pro-quoing Ukraine via phone, January 6th, and conspiring with Russia again in 2020 with Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Why focus on trivial (not to mention fake) nonsense when we have documented evidence that he took part in operations that murdered civilians?

Because the most evil things Trump did were also done by Obama, Bush Jr., Clinton, Bush Sr., and roughly every major empire politician since Ancient Sumer.

The challenge we face: Will we use our lives to play gotcha games and obsess over headlines which are irrelevant after two weeks, or will we call out the greatest evils in society regardless of the current perpetrator?

According to data gathered since the coalition’s inception in October 2014, the U.S.-dominated multinational force has been responsible for a minimum of 5,117 civilian deaths, with about 55 percent of them occurring during Trump’s administration.

– Tom O’Connor. Yahoo News, Trump Kills More Civilians Than Obama Fighting ISIS (Aug 22nd, 2017)


A new Airwars investigation into the ongoing US counterterrorism campaign in Yemen has identified at least 86 civilians likely killed by US actions during Donald Trump’s presidency – though the US military has admitted to no more than a dozen deaths.

–, Trump in Yemen (October 28th, 2020)


There will always be those who claim to have special rights over the rest of society, and the state is the most organized attempt to get away with it.

– Lew Rockwell, The Left, the Right, and the State


“Losing Sway!” An American goes to Iran.

Well, not exactly, but…

Laurie Calhoun was interviewed by Amir Jafari on Press TV’s We The People program, “Losing Sway” (on Iranian television). Topics: effects of and connections between U.S. foreign and domestic policy; changes in the global image and influence of the United States. Episode was recorded on August 13, 2022, and broadcast on September 1, 2022. Contribution is interwoven throughout the 25 minute program.


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