Israel’s defenders often ask how third-generation Palestinians can possibly be recognized as refugees with a right of return to the properties from which the Zionists drove their grandparents in 1947-48. But didn’t those Zionists, most of whom had arrived ony three years earlier, claim to be 80th-generation refugees with a right of return to Palestine? (In the latter case, it could not be a real return because their ancient ancestors had not been exiled by the Romans and thus were not a diaspora. Most Jews today are likely the descendants of converts, of which there were many far and wide in antiquity.)
Indefensible: Homeland Defense is Not Available at This Time
I have a challenge for my readers and listeners. The US DoD has spent trillions of dollars and still can't defend the homeland against the ICBM/IRBM threat. "U.S. defense officials have stated that both existing terrestrial- and space-based sensor architectures are...