Today is the big day.
Call Your Senator and Urge Them to Support Sentate Joint Res. 54 to invoke the War Powers Resolution to stop the war on Yemen!
It’s very easy. Call 1-833-786-7927. They’ll automatically connect you.
Then try to get everyone you know to call too. Innocent people are dying. Some senators are actually trying to stop it. You can help. Today’s the day.
Listen, I know it seems silly and pointless, but I’ve heard enough anecdotes from DC and former DC people to know it’s not nothing. If no one calls about anything, but then thousands do about Yemen, it can shake the shit out of them. Help! C’mon.
If your Senators are Republicans, emphasize that Sen. Mike Lee from Utah is supporting it. Tell them it’s Obama’s stupid war he started in 2015 and you’d like to see it end right now. If they’re Democrats, then emphasis Sanders, Trump’s role, etc.