Literally barbecuing them on spits.
More: “You can hear the screams.”
One billion dollars for twisted metal for ten F35 crashes, soon you're talking real money. The incident rate with respect the US Air Force (USAF) has continued to decline since the 1950s as safety practices have increased and technology has matured. During the 1950s,...
A crashed RN F35 on the seafloor.* My readers knew all of this already; the Royal Navy will not be mission effective as a blue water navy after 2030 and the era of aircraft carriers is over. Eight billion dollars for future fish apartments. Eight billion dollars. Kit...
I could hear it, the snarling struggle to live as deformed nostrils fought for each breath. A snarl of liquid flesh flapping about, then a mild grow. Such a process just for an intake of air. The weather was not too hot though it’s tongue dragged from it’s mouth....