EXPLOITATION DEBATE – Marxism v. Libertarianism

by | Aug 9, 2021

… coercion benefits one party only at the expense of others. Coerced exchange is a system of exploitation of man by man, in contrast to the free market, which is a system of cooperative exchanges in the exploitation of nature alone…. coercion leads only to further problems: it is inefficient and chaotic, it cripples production, and it leads to cumulative and unforeseen difficulties. Seemingly orderly, coercion is not only exploitative; it is also profoundly disorderly….coercion and government intervention lead inexorably to hegemony, conflict, exploitation of man by man, inefficiency, poverty, and chaos.

Murray N. Rothbard

Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market, p. 1025

PDF here: https://lbry.tv/@libertariantruther:0/Marxist-and-Austrian-Class-Analysis–by-Hans-Hermann-Hoppe:5

Hans-Hermann Hoppe, an Austrian School economist and libertarian/anarcho-capitalist philosopher, is Professor Emeritus of Economics at UNLV, Distinguished Senior Fellow with the Mises Institute, founder and president of The Property and Freedom Society, former editor of the Journal of Libertarian Studies, and a lifetime member of the Royal Horticultural Society.

LBRY / Odysee: https://odysee.com/@KeithKnightDontTreadOnAnyone:b/Exploitation:b

BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/0kHMA2wCPYyp/

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2lH1e22VW2pCyYemzOXSP8

Archive: https://archive.org/details/exploitation-marxism-libertarianism

Minds: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1271084873326530568?referrer=KeithKnightDontTreadOnAnyone

Keith Knight

Keith Knight

Keith Knight is Managing Editor at the Libertarian Institute, host of the Don't Tread on Anyone podcast and editor of The Voluntaryist Handbook: A Collection of Essays, Excerpts, and Quotes.

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