Fauci Admits to Lying, Case Closed

by | Jul 20, 2020

Plato’s “Utopia” was the first model for later despotisms — compulsory education and obedience were stressed, there was “communism” of children among the elite “guardians” who also had no private property, and lying was considered a proper instrument for the State to use in its indoctrination of the people.


Murray Rothbard
Education: Free and Compulsory, p. 19


Here we have the top medical voice in America, admitting he lied about whether or not a mask will save you from a ‘deadly virus, so bad we must shut down travel, visiting family members, and the economy’.

60 Minutes Overtime, March 8th, 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRa6t_e7dgI

Jimmy Dore Show: https://youtu.be/Cq8iQ65p9B0

WHO: https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1217043229427761152

Surgeon General: https://twitter.com/Surgeon_General/status/1233725785283932160

USA Today article: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/05/12/fact-check-did-woodstock-take-place-middle-pandemic/3094481001/

LBRY: https://lbry.tv/@KeithKnightDontTreadOnAnyone:b/Fauci-Admits-to-Lying:f

BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/jZLjMgh5AnpO/

Minds: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1131619508149116928?referrer=KeithKnightDontTreadOnAnyone

Archive: https://archive.org/details/fauci-admits-to-lying

About Keith Knight

Keith Knight is Managing Editor at the Libertarian Institute, host of the Don't Tread on Anyone podcast and editor of The Voluntaryist Handbook: A Collection of Essays, Excerpts, and Quotes.

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