“Why should 535 people in Washington be entitled to issue commands to 300 million others? And why should the others obey? These questions, as I argue in the following pages, have no satisfactory answers.”
Michael Huemer
The Problem of Political Authority: An Examination of the Right to Coerce and the Duty to Obey
LBRY.tv: https://lbry.tv/@KeithKnightDontTreadOnAnyone:b/Michael-Huemer:8
BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/CxpoGedNKmMF/
Minds: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1152091286321872896?referrer=KeithKnightDontTreadOnAnyone
Archive: https://archive.org/details/humer-tppa
Links to mentioned works-
0:00 – Quote from The Problem of Political Authority
0:31 – What is ‘political authority’?
1:18 – If you do not like the government of a country, you should leave
2:57 – Voting for a political representative is morally on par with consent
6:27 – “Liberty depends on taxation” – Cass Sunstein
9:15 – You benefit from the state, therefore you have an obligation to obey it’s edicts
15:19 – What about the poor?
18:29 – Does potential wealth inequality justify political authority?
21:11 – The major takeaway from the Trump presidency
22:38 – Corporations need regulation which justifies a state
Homelessness caused by regulation: https://libertarianinstitute.org/dont-tread-on-anyone/whats-the-1-cause-of-homelessness/
29:05 – In the absence of a state, chaos will exist
32:04 – The mindset of the unattainable perfection objection “who will do X”
35:09 – Huemer’s approach to handling objections to anarchism
36:05 – High standards for the market, no standards for the government & incentive structures
38:57 – Governments v. HOA’s
42:42 – The market commodifies human beings, therefore should be replaced by the state
46:03 – Where has anarcho-capitalism worked?
49:10 – Why are believers in government so confident in their low information position?
52:06 – How has the state created a double standard in the minds of the masses for thousands of years?
55:30 – Shame is the health of the state
1:00:10 – Most important thing you learned from Bryan Caplan
1:01:15 – Most important contribution of Jason Brennan
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