Why Anarchism is the ONLY Justifiable Position. Ashton Birdie & Keith Knight

by | Sep 4, 2021

… I define anarchist society as one where there is no legal possibility for coercive aggression against the person or property of any individual. Anarchists oppose the State because it has its very being in such aggression, namely, the expropriation of private property through taxation, the coercive exclusion of other providers of defense service from its territory, and all of the other depredations and coercions that are built upon these twin foci of invasions of individual rights.

Murray N. Rothbard

Libertarian Forum v. 1, p. 535

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Archive: https://archive.org/details/Birdie-Knight

Minds: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1280634219336306708?referrer=KeithKnightDontTreadOnAnyone

Keith Knight

Keith Knight

Keith Knight is Managing Editor at the Libertarian Institute, host of the Don't Tread on Anyone podcast and editor of The Voluntaryist Handbook: A Collection of Essays, Excerpts, and Quotes.

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