Philando Castile was killed without cause by a police officer who has been indicted -- but not for murder -- because Castile's life is not considered as valuable as that of the officer who killed him. "Blue Lives" matter just a little more than the rest, owing to a...
Will Grigg’s Freedom Zealot Radio

Are Citizens the Government’s Property?
by Will Grigg | Nov 19, 2016 | Will Grigg's Freedom Zealot Radio
The first oath of naturalization defined the citizen's responsibility as vigilance in holding the government accountable to the Constitution; the current version requires new citizens to say, in effect, "I place myself at the disposal of my new rulers." What the...

What Obama Built, Donald Trump Now Inherits
by Will Grigg | Nov 12, 2016 | Will Grigg's Freedom Zealot Radio
Donald Trump doesn't actually build things; he places his name on what others have constructed, and he is about to re-brand Obama's executive-centered police state. Trump supporters eager to help their leader expand the apparatus of coercion should remember that what...

Suddenly the FBI are the “Good Guys”?
by Will Grigg | Nov 5, 2016 | Will Grigg's Freedom Zealot Radio
Many "patriots" are celebrating what they have been told is a benign Deep State "coup" against Obama and Hillary Clinton carried out by a faction within the FBI -- the Regime's political police. Too many people who should know better are focusing their attention on...
Presidential Election 2016: Which Sociopath Should Wield Negan’s Bat?
by Will Grigg | Oct 31, 2016 | Will Grigg's Freedom Zealot Radio
Negan, the arch-villain in "The Walking Dead," is the distilled essence of the evil abstraction called the State. Every presidential election is a struggle for control of Negan's bat. Download mp3
Does It Matter Which Foot the Jackboot is On?
by Will Grigg | Oct 23, 2016 | Will Grigg's Freedom Zealot Radio
Whether the boot grinding into our face is on the left foot or the right, the next president will administer a Clintonian police state.
Phil Hart Inquisition, Part 5 Feb 25, 2016
by Will Grigg | Feb 25, 2016 | Will Grigg's Freedom Zealot Radio
Phil Hart Inquisition, Part 4 Feb 25, 2016
by Will Grigg | Feb 25, 2016 | Will Grigg's Freedom Zealot Radio