Dave Bundy was a peacemaker at Bunkerville: He carried a cellphone camera, not a gun, and did what he could to prevent violence. For his trouble he was beaten by the BLM and is now being threatened with an 80-year prison sentence by the Regime.
Dave Bundy was a peacemaker at Bunkerville: He carried a cellphone camera, not a gun, and did what he could to prevent violence. For his trouble he was beaten by the BLM and is now being threatened with an 80-year prison sentence by the Regime.
Hour 1: https://dissentradio.com/willgrigg/prolibertate/Will%20Grigg%20-%20Pro%20Libertate%20Radio%20-%2010-23-2010%20-%20Hour%201.mp3 Hour 2:...
Hour 1: https://dissentradio.com/willgrigg/prolibertate/Will%20Grigg%20-%20Pro%20Libertate%20Radio%20-%2010-09-2010%20-%20Hour%201.mp3 Hour 2:...
Hour 1: https://dissentradio.com/willgrigg/prolibertate/Will%20Grigg%20-%20Pro%20Libertate%20Radio%20-%2009-25-2010%20-%20Hour%201.mp3 Hour 2:...