A report commissioned by the Bonneville County, Idaho DA confirms what has long been known: Christopher Tapp didn’t murder Angie Dodge, and his “confession” was extorted from him by Idaho Falls Police detectives who weren’t interested in the truth.
A report commissioned by the Bonneville County, Idaho DA confirms what has long been known: Christopher Tapp didn’t murder Angie Dodge, and his “confession” was extorted from him by Idaho Falls Police detectives who weren’t interested in the truth.
Hour 1: https://dissentradio.com/willgrigg/prolibertate/Will%20Grigg%20-%20Pro%20Libertate%20Radio%20-%2010-23-2010%20-%20Hour%201.mp3 Hour 2:...
Hour 1: https://dissentradio.com/willgrigg/prolibertate/Will%20Grigg%20-%20Pro%20Libertate%20Radio%20-%2010-09-2010%20-%20Hour%201.mp3 Hour 2:...
Hour 1: https://dissentradio.com/willgrigg/prolibertate/Will%20Grigg%20-%20Pro%20Libertate%20Radio%20-%2009-25-2010%20-%20Hour%201.mp3 Hour 2:...