Huckabee Hound: The Face of the GOP “Honor-Killing” Cult

by | Jul 3, 2019

Huckabee Hound: The Face of the GOP “Honor-Killing” Cult

by | Jul 3, 2019

Huckabee Hound: The Face of the GOP “Honor-Killing” Cult

Christian statesman Ron Paul confronts Mike Huckabee, the War Party’s Elmer Gantry.

“The word `honor’ in the mouth of Daniel Webster is like the word `love’ in the mouth of a whore.” — John Randolph

Despite the commendable achievement of losing roughly one hundred pounds of bodyfat, Mike Huckabee retains enough butter in his veins to ooze out oleaginous platitudes at will. Perhaps this trait, which he shares with another former Governor of Arkansas, is a prerequisite for holding that, ahem, august office. It certainly endears him to the sort of people who perceive high-viscosity insincerity as a form of charisma.

Huckabee Hound displayed this dubious skill to memorable effect the other night when he unwisely confronted Ron Paul about the Texas statesman’s principled opposition to the war in Iraq.

However svelte he’s become, Huckabee — in an intellectual sense — resembles a can of Spam, which is mostly fat. The whippet-thin Ron Paul, by way of contrast, is sharper than a Ginsu knife. The result of Huckabee’s imprudent decision to take on Dr. Paul was as predictable as a clash between a ring bologna and a freshly sharpened slicer.

Want Herr Huckabee to address your Bund meeting, but he’s over-booked? This potted “meat” product will make a suitable substitute.

The Huckster got off to a bad start by committing an act of rhetorical larceny — trying to steal some of the prestige John McCain enjoys because of his war wounds (which he received, I hasten to point out, in the course of an earlier illegal, immoral, undeclared and useless war).

Figuratively wrapping himself in the robes of McCain the Martyr, Huckabee insisted that we can’t leave Iraq “until we’ve left with honor…. [W]hether or not we should have gone to Iraq is a discussion that historians can have, but we’re there. We bought it because we broke it. We’ve got a responsibility to the honor of this country and to the honor of every man and woman who has served in Iraq and ever served in our military to not leave them with anything less than the honor that they deserve.”

Rep. Paul — who, unlike Huckabee, has served honorably in the military — correctly pointed out that the “honor” of our nation would not be injured by withdrawal, since American people never committed themselves to the war in the only constitutionally legitimate fashion: A formal congressional declaration of war. With scalpel-like incisiveness, Dr. Paul likewise laid bare the fundamental obscenity at the heart of Huckabee’s bromide-laden pronouncement:

“How many more [lives] do you want to lose? How long are we going to be there? How long — what do we have to pay to save face? That’s all we’re doing is saving face. It’s time we came home!”

Like Bill Clinton, the original “Man from Hope” — who was actually born in Hot Springs, which Mafia defector Joe Valachi identified as a key spot in the Mob’s southern network– Huckabee is adept at disguising a huge, malodorous lie inside a bouquet of pleasant-smelling platitudes. (Once again I find myself wondering if such a facility is a mandatory prerequisite for those seeking to occupy the large, tacky building at 1800 Center Street in Little Rock.) The lie in this instance was that Huckabee is zealous to uphold our nation’s “honor,” when he is clearly and obviously concerned about the prestige of the ruling elite.

When one has been caught committing a crime, honor requires that he desist and pay the appropriate penalty.

The invasion of Iraq was essentially an act of armed robbery carried out by a rogue regime.

That crime is compounded by mass murder — the death through state-sanctioned violence of American troops, Iraqi soldiers, Iraqi civilian non-combatants, and those legitimate resistance fighters who have taken up arms against the foreign invaders illegally occupying their country.

Honor requires, at the very least, an immediate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. It may also require that Washington pay reparations to the people of that nation, although this would pose some serious constitutional problems. Rehabilitating our national honor definitely requires the prosecution of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and their neo-Trotskyite retinue, for crimes against our Constitution and what that document refers to (see Article I, sec. 8, clause 10) as the “law of nations.”

But Herr Huckabee, like nearly everyone in the political caste, is a stranger in the house of honor. Rather than confronting the unyielding moral realities of the Iraq war, Huckabee takes refuge in the notion that the acquiescence of a deceived public in an illegal war constitutes a morally binding act of consent, while insisting that neither the public nor its elected representatives can withdraw their consent once the deception becomes unambiguous.

We are “one nation,” presumably under one quasi-divine Decider, maintains Huckabee. The subtext here is that the Grand and Glorious Decider (peace be upon him) had his “accountability moment” in 2004, and thus can be said to embody the common will. And he has decided to let the killing continue in Iraq for the cynical, self-serving purpose of avoiding an injury to his personal prestige: He wants his successor to deal with the mess Iraq has become, and preside over the withdrawal that inevitably must come. And Bush is supported by like-minded people from across the narrow partisan divide who wish to preserve the grotesquely bloated powers of the imperial presidency.

This is “honor” in the lexicon of the fascist cult that runs the Republican Party.

Apologists for the envisioned “Long War” against the Islamic world occasionally invoke the genuinely repellent spectacle of “honor killings” sometimes carried out by Muslim males against female relatives accused of disgracing the family name.

Above, below: Iraqi civilians confront the threat from the Bush-bot “honor-killing” cult.

The Bush regime and its supporters, however, are engaged in an immeasurably larger and bloodier version of the same depraved exercise. They claim the right — nay, the duty — to kill thousands, or tens of thousands, of Americans and Iraqis simply to “save face.”

Preserving the Regime’s prestige an objective not worth so much as a papercut’s worth of human blood, let alone the life of a single human being. One would expect that an individual like Mike Huckabee who professes to be “pro-life” would understand and act on that professed conviction by ending a useless war in order to save innocent lives.

If he did, however, he wouldn’t be Mike Huckabee. He’d be Ron Paul.

Please visit The Right Source for frequent updates on the unfolding “Economic Armageddon,” and the Liberty Minute archive for audio commentaries about the Larry Craig scandal, the recent anniversary of the massacre at Ruby Ridge, and other important topics.

at 11:49 AM

Labels: GOP, Iraq War, Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul

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Will Grigg

Will Grigg

Will Grigg (1963–2017), the former Managing Editor of The Libertarian Institute, was an independent, award-winning investigative journalist and author. He authored six books, most recently his posthumous work, No Quarter: The Ravings of William Norman Grigg.

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