Monday, April 11, 2011
Stormtroopers and Child-Snatchers (Update, April 14)
The Nanny State Goes to War: Paramilitary Police lay siege to Maryanne Goldbodo’s Detroit Home.
Ariana Goldboldo, a mentally handicapped 13-year-old, was abducted from her home at gunpoint on March 24. Her captors have systematically poisoned her through injections of a dangerous psychoactive drug. There is also reason to believe that Ariana, who has reportedly tested positive for an STD, has been molested during her time in captivity.
Ariana’s mother, Maryanne, made a valiant but futile effort to protect her daughter. As a result, she may end up in prison. If this happens, Ariana almost certainly won’t survive.
Godboldo, a college dance instructor, had attempted to school her daughter at home, but eventually decided to place the youngster in a local government school. This meant that the girl would have to undergo a government-dictated suite of vaccinations.
Shortly after receiving the injections, the girl experienced severe side-effects, including behavioral problems she hadn’t previously experienced. When Godboldo consulted with local health and welfare officials, she was told that her daughter would have to receive regular injections of Risperdal, supposedly to counteract the effects of the other government-mandated vaccinations. This is a bit like prescribing cancer to treat diabetes. Among the documented side-effects of that drug are tardive dyskinesia (difficulty with basic motor skills) and severe emotional problems – including suicidal thoughts. When Godboldo’s long-suffering child began to display those symptoms, the mother refused to continue with the injections.
The local “child protection” bureaucracy – which, like all other agencies of its kind, subscribes to the totalitarian assumption that children are the property of the state – decreed that Godboldo was “in denial about her daughter’s mental health issue.”
There’s no evidence that Godboldo disputed the seriousness of her daughter’s condition; as Ariana’s primary caretaker, she understood it very well. She had very reasonable doubts about the competence of the therapeutic officials who were forcing Ariana to undergo injections of a potentially lethal drug. But it is impermissible for parents to entertain such reservations about the wisdom of those clothed in the purported authority of the State, or to resist their prescriptions, whatever their efficacy. Sure, Ariana might die or be driven irretrievably mad as a result of government-mandated treatment — but this was a decision for the Anointed Ones to make, and for parents to accept with proper docility. Accordingly, the CPS authorized itself to “liberate” Godboldo’s daughter in order to continue poisoning her with Risperdal injections. A small team of government kidnappers – CPS workers and Detroit Police officers – materialized on Godboldo’s doorstep, demanding that she surrender the child.
“They broke into my home illegally in an effort to take my daughter,” Godboldo recalls. “They had no documentation that said they were allowed to enter my home.”
Godboldo, acting on her natural authority as a parent to protect her child, refused to let the kidnappers take her daughter.
When Godboldo refused to let CPS take her daughter, a home invasion team — led, appropriately, by a veteran of the Iraq occupation, Lt. Michael Nied — forced its way into the home. Nied claims that Godboldo fired a gunshot that sprayed him with drywall residue and made his little heart quiver. He and his fellow heroes retreated and called in a “barricaded gunman situation.” A ten-hour siege then ensued. Prudential considerations aside, Godboldo would have been within her rights to gun down the kidnappers, had she possessed the means to do so. She hadn’t committed a criminal offense, and the police didn’t bother to bring along one of those cunning little permission slips judges reflexively issue any time police want to invade a home. In moral and legal terms they were no better than any other gang of armed intruders.
Eventually a paramilitary SWAT team – complete with automatic weapons, armored personnel carriers, and helicopters – was dispatched to surround Godboldo’s home. The mother eventually surrendered and was put in jail on a $500,000 bond. Although Maryanne was released on bail, her daughter remains in the custody of her abductors, undergoing forcible injections of a drug that is slowly destroying her body and mind — and, quite possibly, being subjected to sexual violation as well.
Godboldo can take a small measure of comfort in the fact that Ariana — unlike Aiyana Jones, who was murdered by a Detroit SWAT team in a gratuitous raid staged for a “reality TV” program a year ago — is still alive. But the risk to that child increases with every minute she remains in the custody of Michigan’s child “protection” service. Last year, Detroit ABC affiliate WXYZ presented a detailed report on the murder of 10-year-old Johnny Andron, a child suffering from epilepsy and cerebral palsy who was seized by the state and starved to death in what was referred to as a “foster care facility.” Johnny’s mother Elena, a single parent, devoted most of her free time to caring for her wheelchair-bound son.
After she lost her factory job, Elena made the tragic error of seeking “help” from the child “welfare” system, which makes a federally subsidized profit each time it steals a child from his parents. Johnny was made a “temporary ward of the state,” a judicial designation that was tantamount to a death sentence. The same was true of Elena’s parental rights, since the same ruling placed her on a central registry of “abusive” and “neglectful” parents. She was placed inside the hamster wheel of government-approved “parenting classes” taught by profiteering busybodies who’ve attached themselves like boxcars to the federal gravy train.
For months, Elena struggled to find and keep a new job while dutifully attending classes that did nothing but clutter her schedule. During the same period she watched her son, who had been a hefty child but — considering his disabilities — a healthy one, slowly waste away through deliberate criminal neglect. Infuriated that her child was being tortured to death through starvation, Elena dared to complain. This action was taken as evidence of her unsuitability to be a parent. She was summoned to court and informed by a black-robed functionary that she wouldn’t be permitted any further visits with her son. She had no further contact with Johnny, and no updates on his status until a representative of the criminal syndicate that had taken him hostage announced to her that he had died.
Mike Ratte nearly lost his seven-year-old son into Michigan’s foster-care gulag after mistakenly allowing the child to take a sip from a beverage called Mike’s Hard Lemonade during a Tigers game in 2008. Ratte, a professor of archeology at the University of Michigan, didn’t know that the product contained alcohol. Since the sign advertising the drink described it only as “Mike’s Lemonade,” Ratte assumed that it was merely an overpriced soft drink.
Anybody capable of making an EEG needle twitch would recognize that this was an honest mistake, not a crime. (Another Michigan family recently had a similar but scarier experience, due to a mix-up at an Applebee’s restaurant.) This was made all the more obvious when an exam confirmed that Leo wasn’t intoxicated. But this didn’t prevent the police from doing what they are programmed to do in such circumstances, which is to use any available pretext to kidnap the child.
“Class has something to do with the fact that the child was only in care for two days,” points out Don Duquette, a law professor at the University of Michigan and director of the university’s child advocacy center said. “If you’re not sophisticated, the system isn’t set up to give you very much of a chance to work against the ritual that’s ordinarily done.” The “ritual” Duquette refers to is a form of bureaucratic child sacrifice: Families are destroyed, and children are abused under the color of supposed government authority, in order to placate the demands of the tax-feeding class. That ritual can commence at any time, for any reason. And any family can be selected as sacrificial victims. All that is required is the conjunction of an anonymous complaint and a willing bureaucrat. I write those words as a father who has confronted that prospect face-to-face.
The kidnapping of Leo Ratte occurred because his father made a trivial mistake involving a government-restricted mood-altering substance that inflicted no measurable harm on the child. By way of contrast, Elena Andron and Maryanne Godboldo have been traduced as “neglectful” parents because they sought to preserve their handicapped children from state-sanctioned harm. As a result, Elena’s son Johnny is dead, and the same people responsible for that atrocity will quite possibly kill Ariana unless Maryanne is able to rescue her from the child “protection” system. Embedded in this delay is a critical admission by the prosecution — namely, that Godboldo is correct in claiming that the CPS raid was conducted without legal authority. Unfortunately — albeit predictably — the Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled that it is, in all circumstances, a “felony” for a Mundane to obstruct or resist the aggressive violence of a police officer acting without lawful authority. The line about “procedural safeguards” is unfiltered codswallop, of course — but remember it, because we’ll return to it anon. In a 2004 ruling (People v. Ventura) that dealt with a self-defense claim against an unlawful arrest, the Court of Appeals, in a perfectly nauseating display of mock humility, proclaimed that “it is not within our province to disturb our Legislature’s obvious affirmative choice to modify the traditional common-law rule that a person may resist an unlawful arrest.” Of course, the legislature made that “choice” after being invited to do so by the same Court of Appeals.
As Elena Andron and countless other parents have learned, there are no procedural safeguards for parental rights or the individual rights of children once the CPS intervenes. The federally subsidized child “protection” universe is a joint production of Lenin, Kafka and Salvador Dali in which power means everything, facts and law mean nothing, and the contours of “reality” are warped in the service of self-enraptured bureaucrats. Unless a parent is a person of means and influence, like Mike Ratte, active resistance As the abduction of Ariana Godboldo demonstrates, the child “protection” apparatus is literally at war with American parents, and police are prepared to murder any parent determined to keep his children out of the hands of those who can drug them, starve them, and molest them with impunity. Update: No crisis, no crime, but the prosecution will proceed
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