Frida Berrigan was five years old at the time of the Three Mile Island disaster, which marks her first memory of a life centered around anti-nuclear activism, as both of her parents, renowned Catholic nuclear activists Liz McAllister and Phil Berrigan, spent most of...
Hotter Than the Sun
2/22/19 Gilbert Doctorow: Avoiding Nuclear War with Russia
by Scott Horton | Feb 26, 2019 | Hotter Than the Sun, The Scott Horton Show
Gilbert Doctorow talks about the potential for a hot war with Russia, which the neocons, he says, seem to think would actually be possible without the use of nuclear weapons. He and Scott both emphatically agree, however, that that is not the case. Given that each...
2/22/19 Chas W. Freeman: the Threat of Nuclear War with China
by Scott Horton | Feb 23, 2019 | Hotter Than the Sun, The Scott Horton Show
Chas W. Freeman talks about the recent history of China, which, after the communist regime gave way to a softer form of mixed-market fascism thanks in part to negotiations during the Nixon administration, has become the world's leading manufacturer and a major...
12/19/18 Michael Klare: the Catastrophic Consequences of Nuclear AI
by Scott Horton | Dec 21, 2018 | Hotter Than the Sun, The Scott Horton Show
Michael Klare joins Scott to talk about his recent article, “Alexa, Launch Our Nukes!”, about the dangers of a future where our weapons systems are controlled by artificial intelligence—indeed they already are to an ever greater extent. Computers of course have a big...
8/31/18 Daniel Ellsberg: The Doomsday Machine and Nuclear Winter
by Scott Horton | Sep 6, 2018 | Hotter Than the Sun, The Scott Horton Show
Daniel Ellsberg is on the show to talk about his book The Doomsday Machine and his experiences working in the RAND corporation in the early 1960s, specifically on the casualties numbers estimated from a nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union and China. Ellsberg talks...
7/20/18 Andrew Cockburn: How Easy It Is to Start a Nuclear War
by Scott Horton | Jul 22, 2018 | Hotter Than the Sun, The Scott Horton Show
Journalist Andrew Cockburn discusses the U.S. nuclear weapons program and our relation with other nuclear armed countries, especially Russia. His new article, "How to Start a Nuclear War," describes just how easy it would be for even a single officer to launch his...
7/2/18 Grant F. Smith: U.S. Violating Its Own Laws for Israeli Nukes
by Scott Horton | Jul 6, 2018 | Hotter Than the Sun, The Scott Horton Show
Grant F. Smith rejoins the show to talk about the Israeli nuclear weapons program, and why no one seems willing to talk about it. He explains the scandalous facts that every American president quite literally agrees not to mention Israeli nukes, and that the U.S....
3/6/18 Ray McGovern: Russia’s Latest Nuclear Weapons
by Scott Horton | Mar 6, 2018 | Hotter Than the Sun, The Scott Horton Show
Ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern returns to the show to follow up on Russia-United States relations in the aftermath of Vladimir Putin's recent speech in which he unveiled new nuclear weapons. McGovern details the history of Russian-American relations, dating back to the...