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News Roundup 12/19/18

by | Dec 19, 2018

News Roundup 12/19/18

by | Dec 19, 2018

  • The judge in Lt Gen Mike Flynn’s trial delays his sentencing to give him more time to assist the Mueller Probe. The judge attacked Flynn for betraying his country to Turkey. [Link]
  • The White House is stonewalling Senators asking for the memo explaining Trump’s legal justification for attacking Assad. Senate Democrats are threating to hold up a State Department nomination until Trump releases the information. [Link]
  • Maj Danny Sjursen makes a case for cutting defense spending. [Link]
  • Matthew Hoh on the true costs of war and Vets for Peace. [Link]
  • Micah Zenko gives the six questions we should ask when evaluating going into another war. [Link]
  • Curt Mills explains how Yemen proves foreign policy consensus can change quickly. [Link]
  • Kosovo is transforming its security force into an army. Serbia will protest the action at the UN. [Link]
  • Ted Galen Carpenter explains why the US needs to resist being dragged into war by Ukraine. [Link]
  • The Ukrainian Orthodox Church splits from the Russian Orthodox Church. [Link]
  • Russia deploys warplanes to Crimea. [Link]
  • The House votes to call the ethnic cleansing campaign by the Myanmar Army against the Rohingya a genocide. [Link]
  • The UNSC is considering a resolution that would place mandates on Myanmar for the treatment of the Rohingya and the return of Rohingya refugees. [Link]
  • Sri Lanka’s prime minister will resign. He was appointed to office two months ago by the country’s president. The supreme court ruled the president’s move was illegal. [Link]
  • Russia, Iran, and Turkey are working to finalize a constitutional body to bring a political solution to Syria. [Link]
  • The ceasefire is put in place in Hodeida and is mostly holding. [Link]
  • The US has had more than 30 named operations in Africa over the past three years. [Link]
  • There have been 30 confirmed cases of Ebola in a Congo city of 1 million. [Link]

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

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