News Roundup 4/30/19

by | Apr 30, 2019

News Roundup 4/30/19

by | Apr 30, 2019

US News

  • Ron Rosenstein resigns as Deputy Attorney General. Trump nominates Jeffrey Rosen to fill the post. [Link]
  • A young man got swept up in a mass RICO gang bust and sentenced to 22 months in prison. They accused him of selling pot based on some texts between him and a friend. He was charged with being in a gang because he had some friends who were in gangs. [Link]
  • A federal judge says Texas’ anti-BDS law violates the First Amendment. [Link]
  • The 2nd Circuit Court rules ICE targeting people with immigration laws for being critical of ICE is a violation of the First Amendment. [Link]


  • The Pentagon IG reports an investigation has cleared acting Secretary of Defense Shanahan of corruption. Shanahan was a longtime Boeing exec. In his term as acting Def Sec, the Pentagon has made several large weapons buys from Boeing. [Link]
  • Two female Navy soldiers die during boot camp in two months. [Link]
  • The US will increase the number of Marines in Australia to 2,500. [Link]
  • Raytheon reports $6.7 billion in sales for quarter one 2019. [Link]
  • Global military spending increased to $1.82 trillion in 2018. More than half of all military spending in 2018 was by NATO members. [Link]


  • Moon of Alabama explains the new information on the break-in at the North Korean embassy in Madrid. [Link]
  • Yellow Vest protests took place for the 24th weekend. 10,000s of protesters took to the streets. [Link]


  • Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says the US plans to accelerate cutting the Kabul embassy staff in half. [Link]


  • US sanctions on Iran are leading to war. [Link]
  • Hawks in the Trump administration are demanding more sanctions to push Iran out of the Nuke Deal. [Link]
  • US oil sanctions against Iran are increasingly isolating the US. [Link]


  • A Saudi airstrike killed a Yemeni family of seven. [Link]
  • Two refugees were killed when militants fired on a detention center in Libya. The militants are believed to be aligned with Haftar. [Link]
  • Haftar’s forces hit Tripoli with airstrikes. [Link]
  • Protesters in Algeria continue to demand the country’s leadership step down. The country’s longtime president stepped down weeks ago. [Link]

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

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