US News
- A new app allows users to record interactions with police by voice command. [Link]
- An Indiana judge orders a police force to repay $80,000 that was confiscated from a driver. The money was taken without charging the man with a crime. [Link]
- Andrew Bacevich explains how the war party broke Trump of his good foreign policy instincts. [Link]
- The Pentagon is offering an $11 million contract to European firms for small drones that soldiers can carry with them. [Link]
- The UN rapporteur on torture says, “In 20 years of work with victims of war, violence and political persecution I have never seen a group of democratic States [US, UK, Sweden, and Ecuador] ganging up to deliberately isolate, demonise and abuse a single individual [Julian Assange] for such a long time and with so little regard for human dignity and the rule of law,” [Link]
- The legacy media is beginning to understand the importance of the case against Julian Assange. [Link]
- Patrick Lawrence explains the importance of the Iraq War Logs. Chelsea Manning leaked the documents to Wikileaks. [Link]
- The man who planted several bombs in France that wounded 13 people claims to be a member of IS. [Link]
- Pompeo says the US may cut data sharing agreements with Germany if Germany doesn’t fall in line with the US ban on Huawei. [Link]
- Protesters prevent a Saudi ship from receiving arms at a French port. [Link]
- In Acting Def Sec Shanahan’s first major speech he said the US will take a more assertive position against Chinese interests in Taiwan and the South China Sea. [Link]
- China says the US ‘is playing with fire’ by increasing its activity in the Taiwan Strait. [Link]
- Recent moves by the US are increasing are part of the increasing tensions between China and Taiwan. [Link]