- Trump pardons Oregon ranchers Dwight and Steven Hammond. [Link]
- Trump’s policy of detaining and separating migrant families at the border will end. The new policy will be to allow families to remain in the US with GPS ankle monitors. [Link]
- North Korea’s reaction to Mike Pompeo’s visit shows North Korea is looking to build peaceful ties with the US before denuclearization. [Link] Trump says he is confident Kim will honor his pledge to denuclearize North Korea. [Link]
- Pompeo will push NATO nations to sanction Iran. [Link]
- Israel is destroying Palestinian crops with chemicals. [Link]
- Israel places additional sanctions on Gaza. The new sanctions will close Gaza’s only commercial crossing and only allow aid to cross. The Israelis will also limit Gazan fishing area. [Link]
- Secretary of State Pompeo says the US supports talks with the Taliban. [Link]
- Yemen demands the UAE shut down or turn over the torture prisons the UAE runs in Yemen. [Link]
- After 20 years, Ethiopians and Eritreans can now call each other. The two countries continue to normalize relations. [Link]
- In April and May, the South Sudanese Army and allied forces killed 232 civilians. Those forces also raped 120 women and children. [Link]