- Air Marshals are now monitoring travelers who are on secret lists. [Link]
- A federal judge rules Albuquerque’s civil asset forfeiture law violates due process. [Link]
- Wikileaks has changed the world. [Link]
- Justin Raimondo on the violence in Nicaragua. [Link]
- Ecuador’s President is seeking assurances that Julian Assange will not face the death penalty. [Link]
- The UK is looking to have its citizens that were caught fighting for ISIS extradited to the US for trial. [Link]
- Trump says he is willing to meet with Iran’s President without preconditions. [Link]
- A suicide bomber kills four in Afghanistan. An important militia leader was killed in the blast. [Link]
- Moon of Alabama on the possible retreat of US forces from Afghanistan. [Link]
- Robert Fisk traces weapons that were in possession of Syrian jihadist to US weapons makers. [Link]
- Matt Taibbi explains why there has been so little coverage of the Yemeni Civil War. [Link]
- Migrants fleeing the Horn of Africa are led to believe that Yemen offers a better life. The migrants face cholera, rape, slavery, and torture on their journey. [Link]
- The UN reports that recent Saudi airstrikes destroyed civilian facilities in Yemen. [Link]