- The Senate Intelligence Committee calls on Julian Assange to testify. [Link]
- Senator Rand Paul delivered a letter from Trump to Putin while he was in Russia. [Link]
- A leaked Russian document shows Putin proposed arms control to Trump at the summit. [Link]
- The US places additional sanctions on Russia for Russia’s alleged involvement in the Salisbury poisoning. [Link]
- North Korea has rejected a timeline for denuclearization proposed by Mike Pompeo. [Link]
- US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley says the US is unwilling to wait too long for North Korean denuclearization. [Link]
- The US warns Iran against carrying out naval operations in the Strait of Hormoz. [Link]
- Trump is in disagreement with his advisers over entering into talks with Iran. [Link]
- Saudi Arabia executes a man by crucifixion. [Link]
- Fighting breaks out between Hamas and Israel. Hamas has fired rockets into Israel, and Israel has responded by bombing Gaza. Six Israelis have been injured by Hamas rockets, and at least three Palestinians have been killed. [Link]
- Pakistan will deploy an additional 60,000 soldiers to guard the Afghanistan/Pakistan border. [Link]
- Moon of Alabama explains how the Korengal Valley in Afghanistan is quintessential of US foreign policy. [Link]
- There is a new Ebola outbreak in the Congo. The outbreak is in an area with routine conflict between armed groups. [Link]