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News Roundup 9/6/18

by | Sep 6, 2018

News Roundup 9/6/18

by | Sep 6, 2018

  • Danny Sjursen explains why the courage of US soldiers is not enough to win wars. [Link]
  • Trump will chair a UN Security Council meeting on Iran. [Link]
  • The UK announces two Russians are suspects in the poisoning of the Skripals. [Link] Moon of Alabama identifies questionable evidence in the report put out by UK authorities. [Link]
  • Philippino President Duarte orders an opposition senator arrested. The senator is defying the arrest order by refusing to leave the senate building. [Link]
  • The top Israeli court rules to allow the destruction of a Bedouin village in the West Bank. [Link]
  • The Israeli Intelligence Minister says Israel has carried out over 200 strikes in Syria in the past two years. [Link] Two people were killed by Israeli airstrikes on the Syrian city Hama. [Link] The Israeli Army admitted to arming Syrian rebel groups. [Link]
  • A Turkish military official tells a US envoy that Kurdish militants must completely leave Syria. [Link]
  • In a new book, Bob Woodward writes that Secretary of Defense Mattis ignored a request from Trump to assassinate Assad. [Link]
  • Syria and Russia bombed the rebel-held Idlib Province. The bombs killed 13 civilians. [Link]
  • Secretary of State Pompeo travels to Pakistan to meet the new Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. Pompeo pushed for Pakistan to do more to against Afghani militants. [Link]
  • A suicide bomber kills at least 20 in an attack in Kabul. [Link]
  • The Taliban announced the founder of the Haqqani network has died. [Link]
  • A Saudi Prince says King Salman and Crown Prince MBS are responsible for the war in Yemen. [Link]
  • The Yemeni currency is losing value as the war in the country drags on. [Link]
  • Thousands of protesters in Yemen took to the streets of Saada to oppose the Saudi bombing that killed 40 Yemeni children. [Link]
  • A new cease-fire has been reached to halt fighting near Tripoli. At least 61 people have been killed in recent fighting. [Link]
  • The US designates Mali al-Qaeda affiliate Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen as a terrorist group. [Link]

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

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