The French government has recently arrested and detained Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram. The alleged offence is that the messaging app is not policing and governing what it’s users do. So a national government has kidnapped and demands that the CEO give up access to...
USS The Sullivans sinking in New York in 2022. Over the decades, the destroyers have fallen into various states of disrepair. In April 2022, The Sullivans suffered a hull breach and partially sank at the Buffalo and Erie County Naval & Military Park in Buffalo,...
One discovers that war-making by the West after WWII around the world started to see a trend that Smedley Butler would knowingly nod at as the sophisticated money-laundering complex to provide weapons and assistance in hundreds of conflicts.The tracking and auditing...
“Breed! Have more babies!” demands the technocrats on social media, the conservatives even, the religious zealots, even some socialists and naturally the incels who want the State to mandate wives. Apparently humanity needs to constantly swell, to grow in it’s...
On 27 March 1999, during the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, a Yugoslav Army unit (3rd Battalion of the 250th Air Defense Missile Brigade, which was under the leadership of Colonel Zoltán Dani) shot down an F-117 Nighthawk stealth aircraft of the United States Air Force... On Oct. 28, 2023, beloved actor Matthew Perry was found dead in the hot tub at his Los Angeles home. Cause of death was ruled “acute effects of ketamine” and...